Mixed Hodge Structures Courses
Fields Institute via YouTube Log Symplectic Pairs and Mixed Hodge Structures
IMSA via YouTube Mixed Period Maps: Definability and Algebraicity
IMSA via YouTube Holomorphic Bisectional Curvature and Applications to Deformations and Rigidity of Mixed Hodge Structure
IMSA via YouTube Period Mapping at Infinity
IMSA via YouTube Hecke Actions on Loops and Periods of Iterated Shimura Integrals
IMSA via YouTube Mixed Hodge Structures on Cohomology Jump Ideals
IMSA via YouTube L2 Invariants of Hodge Modules and Shafarevich Morphisms
IMSA via YouTube Extension Data of Global Families of Mixed Hodge Structures - Applications to Shafarevich Conjecture
IMSA via YouTube Mixed Hodge Structures Attached to Hybrid Landau–Ginzburg Models
IMSA via YouTube