Mathematical Physics Courses
QuantumTopology via YouTube Re Normalized TQFTs
QuantumTopology via YouTube HOMFLY Polynomials for Virtual Knots
QuantumTopology via YouTube Stochastic Ricci Flow on Surfaces
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube Swarming Models with Local Alignment Effects
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube Scaling Limits and Effective Equations in Kinetic Theory I
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube Quantitative Uniform Propagation of Chaos for Maxwell Molecules
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube Regularity of Minimizers for a Model of Charged Droplets
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube 6j-Symbols for SL(2,C) Group and Feynman Diagrams
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube Index Problem for Elliptic Operators Associated With Group Actions and NCG
Hausdorff Center for Mathematics via YouTube