Mathematical Physics Courses

Ernesto Lupercio: Quantum Toric Geometry
IMSA via YouTube
Pontrjagin Duality on Multiplicative Gerbes
IMSA via YouTube
Poisson and Quantum Algebras of SL(n) Monodromies and Groupoid Action
IMSA via YouTube
Quantum Toric Geometry I
IMSA via YouTube
Asymptotics and Resurgence in Weil-Petersson Volumes
IMSA via YouTube
BPS States and 3d TQFTs
IMSA via YouTube
Topological Recursion, Virasoro-W-Algebra Constraints, and Kontsevich-Soibelman
IMSA via YouTube
Functoriality in Gromov Witten Theory
IMSA via YouTube
Quantization of Moduli Spaces of Local Systems at Roots of Unity
IMSA via YouTube
9.12.2017 А.Е. Миронов - Алгебраическая интегрируемость магнитных бильярдов на плоскости
QuantumTopology via YouTube
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