Juju Courses

Introducción al Charm de Loki para Kubernetes - COS-Lite (En Español)
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COS-Lite: Prometheus Scrape Config y Prometheus Scrape Target - Explicación y Uso
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El Charm de Prometheus Explicado - COS-Lite en Español
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Introducción a COS-Lite - Canonical Observability Stack Lite en Español
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Introduction to Charming - Juju Community Workshop
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Rewriting Charms and Publishing Charm Bundles: The Charm for Landscape
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Terraforming Your Juju World: The Many Ways to Run Operators - Operator Day Europe 2023
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Let's Encrypt Certificates Management with TLS-certificates-interface and ACME Operators
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Software Operators on Big Iron: Juju, Charms and MicroK8s for Mainframes
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Python Operator Framework and Secrets for Kubernetes Charms - Operator Day Europe 2023
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