Introduction to Charming - Juju Community Workshop

Offered By: Canonical Ubuntu via YouTube


Juju Courses DevOps Courses Cloud Computing Courses Ubuntu Courses

Course Description


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Explore the fundamentals of charm development in this recorded community workshop from May 25, 2023. Follow along as Pietro Pasotti guides you through the initial steps of setting up a new charm project and explains the essentials of charm writing. Gain insights into the Juju SDK, understand the lifecycle of a charm, and learn how to effectively communicate with workloads. Access additional resources, including documentation and community discussions, to deepen your understanding of Juju, Charmhub, and software operators. Perfect for those looking to dive into charm development and enhance their skills in managing software deployments.


Introduction to charming | Juju Community workshop 25 May 2023

Taught by

Canonical Ubuntu

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