Juju Courses
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Juju Charm School - Juju Troubleshooting II
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Juju Charm School - Juju Troubleshooting I
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Juju Charm School - Vagrant Workflow
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Getting Acquainted with the Juju Review Queue and Process
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Exploring Juju Run: Command Execution in Charm Environments - Part 1
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Juju Charm School - Creating Your Own Juju Plugins
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Ubuntu 14.03 Developer Summit Keynote - Convergence and Future Plans
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Juju Charm School: Understanding and Using Bundles
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube Operating a Flask Application with Juju - The Fastpass
Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube