Operating a Flask Application with Juju - The Fastpass

Offered By: Ubuntu OnAir via YouTube


Flask Courses DevOps Courses Python Courses Cloud Computing Courses Containerization Courses Juju Courses

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Discover how to streamline Flask application operations using Juju's innovative 'fastpass' solution in this informative conference talk from Ubuntu Summit 2023. Learn about a user-friendly approach that bridges the knowledge gap for software developers, allowing them to leverage Juju's powerful management capabilities without extensive charming expertise. Follow along as the speaker demonstrates the 'fastpass' process using a Flask application, showcasing how it simplifies operations, boosts efficiency, and unlocks the full potential of Juju. Gain insights into this exciting development in the Juju ecosystem and explore how you can enhance your application management without facing a steep learning curve.


Operating a Flask application with Juju: The Fastpass

Taught by

Ubuntu OnAir

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