Excited States Courses

Introduction to Coupled Cluster EOM Exercises - 2023 Virtual Winter School in Computational Chemistry
QChemSoftware via YouTube
Molecular Properties and Spectra Using DFT and TDDFT - Session 6
QChemSoftware via YouTube
MRSF-TDDFT - Balancing Dynamic and NonDynamic Electron Correlations
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Nonadiabatic Dynamics in the Long Timescale - The Next Challenge in Computational Photochemistry
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Multireference Quantum Chemistry for Exploring Potential Energy Surfaces
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Probing Photochemistry in Protein Environment: QM/MM Study on Rhodopsins
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Unraveling the Photochemical Mechanism of Iron Tris-2,2'-Bipyridine via Wavepacket Dynamics
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Many-Body Green's Function and State-Specific CI Methods for Excited States
QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube
Revealing Mechanisms of Light Harvesting and Charge Separation in Molecular Systems
ICTP-SAIFR via YouTube
What if String Theory Has a de Sitter Excited State?
Erwin Schrödinger International Institute for Mathematics and Physics (ESI) via YouTube
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