MRSF-TDDFT - Balancing Dynamic and NonDynamic Electron Correlations

Offered By: QCHEM LAB at KNU via YouTube


Density Functional Theory Courses Electronic Structure Courses Quantum Chemistry Courses Computational Chemistry Courses Excited States Courses Electron Correlation Courses

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Explore the intricacies of electron correlations in a 57-minute webinar presented by Prof. Cheol Ho Choi, head of the Theoretical Chemistry Lab at Kyungpook National University. Delivered at NYU Shanghai on September 22, 2023, this talk delves into the MRSF-TDDFT method, focusing on the delicate balance between dynamic and non-dynamic electron correlations. Gain insights into advanced theoretical chemistry concepts and their applications in understanding complex molecular systems.


MRSF-TDDFT: (Balancing Dynamic and NonDynamic Electron Correlations)

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