Ergodicity Courses
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Introduction to Ergodic Theory - Lecture 4
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Introduction to Ergodic Theory - Lecture 3
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Introduction to Ergodic Theory - Lecture 2
ICTP Mathematics via YouTube Mandelbrot, 1/f Noise, and The Mind's Eye in Complexity Science
Santa Fe Institute via YouTube Breaking Ergodicity - Quantum Scars, Quantum Many-Body Scars and Regular Eigenstates
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics via YouTube Defining Chaos and Ergodicity Through Adiabatic Transformations by Anatoli Polkovnikov
International Centre for Theoretical Sciences via YouTube Emergence of Universal Randomness in Quantum Many-body Dynamics
Simons Institute via YouTube Cutoff for the Transience Time for the SSEP with Traps and the Facilitated Exclusion Process
Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) via YouTube Many-Body Localization: From Anderson Localization to Quantum Chaos
PCS Institute for Basic Science via YouTube