Arrhythmias Courses

ECG Assessment: an Introduction for Healthcare Providers
St. George's University via FutureLearn
صحة قلبك
Arrhythmias - Types, Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Treatment
Ninja Nerd via YouTube
Pharmacology - Antiarrhythmic Drugs
Speed Pharmacology via YouTube
Advanced EKGs - Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome
Strong Medicine via YouTube
Your Heart Rhythm: Atrial Fibrillation (AFIB) Evaluation and Treatment - Session 1
Stanford University via YouTube
Digitalis and Digoxin - Clinical Uses and Adverse Effects
Dr. Najeeb Lectures via YouTube
Arrhythmias - Classification, Pathophysiology, and Management in Clinical Medicine
Ninja Nerd via YouTube
Improving Diagnosis and Management of Patients with Atrial Fibrillation - Part 1
Imperial College London via YouTube
Integrative Models of the Cardiac Ventricular Myocyte - 2005
Center for Language & Speech Processing(CLSP), JHU via YouTube
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