Yoga Volunteers for Diabetes Management Part 2
Offered By: AICTE via Swayam
Course Description
This course gives you a complete knowledge on the complications of Diabetes Mellitus, its yogic understanding and management. Knowledge about Madhumeha-the ayurvedic perspective of the Diabetes mellitus will be presented. The cause, symptoms, types, investigation, and management of Complications of the Diabetes will be discussed. Role of kriyas, psycho-neuro-immunology of the Diabetes mellitus will be focused on. Importance of management of Integrated approach of Yoga therapy (IAYT) in management and prevention of complications of Diabetes Mellitus and also the Gestational diabetes will be discussed. Furthermore, Yoga for diabetes mellitus in the geriatric population and the coexistence of diabetes mellitus and hypertension will also be highlighted. Additionally, the course includes practical session that imparts knowledge about IAYT and how it can be used to manage complications associated with diabetes mellitus. In this course, you will learn various loosening exercises, asanas, pranayamas, kriyas and bandas that can be beneficial in managing complications associated with diabetes mellitus through yoga. This course also includes the practice of glucose metabolism meditation for improvement of the blood glucose level.Intended audience:This course is not for patients with diabetes, this is for yoga teachers and yoga learners to enhance their knowledge and skill in Yoga Therapy.
Week 1• Module 1: Ancient literature on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Madhumeha• Module 2: Psycho neuro immunology in Diabetes Mellitus
Week 2• Module 3: Emotion culture for Diabetes Mellitus• Module 4: Role of Kriya in Diabetes Mellitus
Week 3• Module 5: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus• Module 6: Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus
Week 4• Module 7: Complications of Diabetes Mellitus• Module 8: Yogic management for complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Week 5• Module 9: Hypertension in Diabetes mellitus• Module 10: Diabetes mellitus in geriatric population.
Week 6• Module 11: Scientific Validation of effect of yoga on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.• Module 12: Stop Diabetes Movement
Week 7• Module 13: Loosening practices (Standing)• Module 14: Loosening practices (Sitting)• Module 15: Loosening practices (Supine)
Week 8• Module 16: Breathing exercise• Module 17: Shakti vikasaka
Week 9• Module 18: Standing Asana (Ardakati cakrasana, Trikonasana & Vrukshasana)• Module 19: Standing Asana (Utkatasana, Veerabhadrasana & Tadasana)• Module 20: Standing Asana (Ardacakrasana, Padahastasana, Parivruttatrikonasana & Parshwakonasana)
Week 10• Module 21: Sitting asana (Vakrasana, Ardamatsyendrasana, Ustrasana & Paschimottanasana)• Module 22: Sitting asana (Shashankasana, Purvottanasana & Baddakonasana)• Module 23: Prone asana (Makarasana, Bhujangasana & Dhanurasana)
Week 11• Module 24: Supine asana (Navasana, Ardahalasana & Sarvangasana)• Module 25: Supine asana (Setubandasana, Pavanamuktasana & Suptabaddakonasana)• Module 26: Banda, Kriyas (Uddiyana Banda, Agnisara kriya & Kaphalabhati)
Week 12• Module 27: Pranayama (Sectional breathing, Nadisuddi pranayama & Bhramari)• Module 28: Pranayama (Chandra anuloma villoma & cooling pranayama)
Week 13• Module 29: Mind sound resonance technique- I• Module 30: Mind sound resonance technique- II
Week 14• Module 31: IAYT module for Diabetic Neuropathy- I• Module 32: IAYT module for Diabetic Neuropathy- II• Module 33: IAYT module for Diabetic Neuropathy - III
Week 15• Module 34: IAYT module for Diabetic Nephropathy- I• Module 35: IAYT module for Diabetic Nephropathy- II• Module 36: IAYT module for Diabetic Nephropathy- III
Week 16• Module 37: IAYT module for Diabetic Retinopathy- I• Module 38: IAYT module for Diabetic Retinopathy- II• Module 39: IAYT module for Diabetic Retinopathy- III• Module 40: Glucose metabolism meditation
Week 1• Module 1: Ancient literature on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus – Madhumeha• Module 2: Psycho neuro immunology in Diabetes Mellitus
Week 2• Module 3: Emotion culture for Diabetes Mellitus• Module 4: Role of Kriya in Diabetes Mellitus
Week 3• Module 5: Gestational Diabetes Mellitus• Module 6: Pathophysiology of Diabetes Mellitus
Week 4• Module 7: Complications of Diabetes Mellitus• Module 8: Yogic management for complications of Diabetes Mellitus
Week 5• Module 9: Hypertension in Diabetes mellitus• Module 10: Diabetes mellitus in geriatric population.
Week 6• Module 11: Scientific Validation of effect of yoga on Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus.• Module 12: Stop Diabetes Movement
Week 7• Module 13: Loosening practices (Standing)• Module 14: Loosening practices (Sitting)• Module 15: Loosening practices (Supine)
Week 8• Module 16: Breathing exercise• Module 17: Shakti vikasaka
Week 9• Module 18: Standing Asana (Ardakati cakrasana, Trikonasana & Vrukshasana)• Module 19: Standing Asana (Utkatasana, Veerabhadrasana & Tadasana)• Module 20: Standing Asana (Ardacakrasana, Padahastasana, Parivruttatrikonasana & Parshwakonasana)
Week 10• Module 21: Sitting asana (Vakrasana, Ardamatsyendrasana, Ustrasana & Paschimottanasana)• Module 22: Sitting asana (Shashankasana, Purvottanasana & Baddakonasana)• Module 23: Prone asana (Makarasana, Bhujangasana & Dhanurasana)
Week 11• Module 24: Supine asana (Navasana, Ardahalasana & Sarvangasana)• Module 25: Supine asana (Setubandasana, Pavanamuktasana & Suptabaddakonasana)• Module 26: Banda, Kriyas (Uddiyana Banda, Agnisara kriya & Kaphalabhati)
Week 12• Module 27: Pranayama (Sectional breathing, Nadisuddi pranayama & Bhramari)• Module 28: Pranayama (Chandra anuloma villoma & cooling pranayama)
Week 13• Module 29: Mind sound resonance technique- I• Module 30: Mind sound resonance technique- II
Week 14• Module 31: IAYT module for Diabetic Neuropathy- I• Module 32: IAYT module for Diabetic Neuropathy- II• Module 33: IAYT module for Diabetic Neuropathy - III
Week 15• Module 34: IAYT module for Diabetic Nephropathy- I• Module 35: IAYT module for Diabetic Nephropathy- II• Module 36: IAYT module for Diabetic Nephropathy- III
Week 16• Module 37: IAYT module for Diabetic Retinopathy- I• Module 38: IAYT module for Diabetic Retinopathy- II• Module 39: IAYT module for Diabetic Retinopathy- III• Module 40: Glucose metabolism meditation
Taught by
Dr Ramesh M N | Dr Amit Kumar Singh | Dr Vidyashree M
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