Yoga Practices 3
Offered By: Swayam
Course Description
The course includes the following main practices and activities:
Preparatory practices including Sukshmavyayama, Breathing Exercises, Loosening Practices, Suryanamaskara or Sun Salutation, Asanas, Kriyas, Bandhas, Mudras, Pranayama, Dhyana or Meditation, chanting of shlokas, bhajans and patriotic songs and activities such as krida yoga, karma yoga activities, ananda sabha or happy assembly including presentations and skits, dramas and many more such activities which help a yoga practitioner grow from tamas to rajas to sattva and eventually to gunaathita sthiti or attainment
Relaxation Techniques include Quick Relaxation Techniques and Deep Relaxation Techniques
The Preparatory practices for Yoga Practices 1 include:Scandha Chanchalana and Padasanchalana
The Breathing Exercises for this course Yoga Practices 1 include:Tiger Breathing
The Loosening Practices for this course Yoga Practices 1 include:Ankle Bending and Side Bending
The Asanas or the postures in this Yoga Practices 1 course include:Padahastasana, Parsavakonasana, Bakasana, Padmasana, Vjrasana, Suptavajrasana, Vakrasana, Mayurasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana and Chakrasana
Kriyas included in the Yoga Practices 1 course are:Trataka
Pranayama practices in the course Yoga Practices 1 includeBastrika, Ujjai, Sitali, Sitkari and Brahmari
Mudras include Brahma mudra
In this course, we learn the Mindfulness Meditation
The course includes Unity in Diversity shlokasangrahah or collection of chants.
The students are expected to develop a skit / drama based on their understanding of the shlokasangrahah. This will be presented in the Ananda Sabha or Happy assembly
One of the most important qualities that a student should develop is to ask questions. So, I encourage you all as your Course Coordinator to send all your questions that may arise in you. We will be quick to respond to your questions and facilitate your spiritual growth.
Preparatory practices including Sukshmavyayama, Breathing Exercises, Loosening Practices, Suryanamaskara or Sun Salutation, Asanas, Kriyas, Bandhas, Mudras, Pranayama, Dhyana or Meditation, chanting of shlokas, bhajans and patriotic songs and activities such as krida yoga, karma yoga activities, ananda sabha or happy assembly including presentations and skits, dramas and many more such activities which help a yoga practitioner grow from tamas to rajas to sattva and eventually to gunaathita sthiti or attainment
Relaxation Techniques include Quick Relaxation Techniques and Deep Relaxation Techniques
The Preparatory practices for Yoga Practices 1 include:Scandha Chanchalana and Padasanchalana
The Breathing Exercises for this course Yoga Practices 1 include:Tiger Breathing
The Loosening Practices for this course Yoga Practices 1 include:Ankle Bending and Side Bending
The Asanas or the postures in this Yoga Practices 1 course include:Padahastasana, Parsavakonasana, Bakasana, Padmasana, Vjrasana, Suptavajrasana, Vakrasana, Mayurasana, Dhanurasana, Sarvangasana and Chakrasana
Kriyas included in the Yoga Practices 1 course are:Trataka
Pranayama practices in the course Yoga Practices 1 includeBastrika, Ujjai, Sitali, Sitkari and Brahmari
Mudras include Brahma mudra
In this course, we learn the Mindfulness Meditation
The course includes Unity in Diversity shlokasangrahah or collection of chants.
The students are expected to develop a skit / drama based on their understanding of the shlokasangrahah. This will be presented in the Ananda Sabha or Happy assembly
One of the most important qualities that a student should develop is to ask questions. So, I encourage you all as your Course Coordinator to send all your questions that may arise in you. We will be quick to respond to your questions and facilitate your spiritual growth.
WEEK 1- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana - transcription
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle Stretch Breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle Stretch Breathing - Transcription
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle Stretch Breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise - Transcription
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending - Transcription
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Karma Yoga
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana - transcription
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle Stretch Breathing - Transcription
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise - Transcription
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending - Transcription
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Karma Yoga
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana - Transcription
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Sukshma Vyayama - Chapter 1 - Katisanchalana
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle Stretch Breathing - Transcription
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 1 - Ankle stretch breathing
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise - Transcription
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Breathing Exercises - Chapter 2 - Tiger Breathing Exercise
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Loosening Practices - Chapter 1 - Side Bending
- Karma Yoga
- Kriyas - Chapter 1 - Trataka
- Kriyas - Chapter 1 - Trataka
- Kriyas - Chapter 1 - Trataka
- Kriyas - Chapter 1 - Trataka
- Kriyas - Chapter 1 - Trataka
- Prayanama - Chapter 1 - Bastrika
- Pranayama - Chapter 1 - Bastrika
- Pranayama - Chapter 1 - Bastrika
- Pranayama - Chapter 1 - Bastrika
- Pranayama - Chapter 1 - Bastrika
- Prayanama - Chapter 2 - Ujjayi
- Prayanama - Chapter 2 - Ujjayi
- Prayanama - Chapter 2 - Ujjayi
- Prayanama - Chapter 2 - Ujjayi
- Prayanama - Chapter 2 - Ujjayi
- Prayanama - Chapter 3 - Sitali - Sitkari - Sadata
- Prayanama - Chapter 3 - Sitali - Sitkari - Sadata
- Prayanama - Chapter 3 - Sitali - Sitkari - Sadata
- Prayanama - Chapter 3 - Sitali - Sitkari - Sadata
- Prayanama - Chapter 3 - Sitali - Sitkari - Sadata
- Prayanama - Chapter 4 - Brahmari
- Prayanama - Chapter 4 - Brahmari
- Pranayama - Chapter 4 - Brahmari
- Pranayama - Chapter 4 - Brahmari
- Prayanama - Chapter 4 - Brahmari
- Mudras - Chapter 1 - Brahma
- Dhyana - Mindfulness Meditation
- Happy Assembly - Unity in Diversity
- Karma Yoga
- No items in this week
- Asanas - Chapter 1 - Padahastasana
- Asanas - Chapter 1 - Padahastasana - Transcription
- Asanas - Chapter 1 - Padahastasana
- Asanas - Chapter 1 - Padahastasana
- Asanas - chapter 2 - Parsvakonasana
- Asanas - Chapter 2 - Parsvakonasana - Transcription
- Asanas - Chapter 2 - Parsvakonasana
- Asanas - Chapter 2 - Parsvakonasana
- Karma Yoga
- Asanas - Chapter 3 - Bakasana Kakasana
- Asanas - Chapter 3 - Bakasana Kakasana
- Asanas - Chapter 3 - Bakasana Kakasana
- Asanas - Chapter 3 - Bakasana Kakasana
- Asanas - Chapter 3 - Bakasana Kakasana
- Karma Yoga
- Asanas - Chapter 6 - Suptavajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 6 - Suptavajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 6 - Suptavajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 6 - Suptavajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 6 - Suptavajrasana
- Karma Yoga
- Asanas - Chapter 5 - Vajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 5 - Vajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 5 - Vajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 5 - Vajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 5 - Vajrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 7 - Vakrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 7 - Vakrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 7 - Vakrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 7 - Vakrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 8 - Mayurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 8 - Mayurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 8 - Mayurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 8 - Mayurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 8 - Mayurasana
- Karma Yoga
- Sakti sambhrtam yukti-sambhrtam, - Song
- Sakti sambhrtam yukti-sambhrtam, - Song
- Sakti sambhrtam yukti-sambhrtam, - Song
- Dhimita dhimita dhim, dhimita dhimita dhim Nace bholanath - Bhajan
- Dhimita dhimita dhim, dhimita dhimita dhim Nace bholanath - Bhajan
- Dhimita dhimita dhim, dhimita dhimita dhim Nace bholanath - Bhajan
- Aham visvanarobhutva Praninam - Prayer
- Aham visvanarobhutva Praninam - Prayer
- Aham visvanarobhutva Praninam - Prayer
- Asanas - Chapter 9 - Dhanurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 9 - Dhanurasana - Transcription
- Asanas - Chapter 9 - Dhanurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 9 - Dhanurasana
- Asanas - Chapter 10 -Sarvangasana
- Asanas - Chapter 10 - Sarvangasana
- Asanas - Chapter 10 -Sarvangasana
- Asanas - Chapter 10 -Sarvangasana
- Asanas - Chapter 10 -Sarvangasana
- Karma Yoga
- Galat mat kadam uthavo soc kar chalo, - Song
- Galat mat kadam uthavo soc kar chalo, - Song
- Galat mat kadam uthavo soc kar chalo, - Song
- Govinda Madhava Gopala Kesava - bhajan
- Govinda Madhava Gopala Kesava - bhajan
- Govinda Madhava Gopala Kesava - bhajan
- Laye Sambhodaye chittam - Prayer
- Laye Sambhodaye chittam - Prayer
- Laye Sambhodaye chittam - Prayer
- Om yashandasam vrushabo - Vedic Chanting
- Om yashandasam vrushabo - Vedic Chanting
- Om yashandasam vrushabo - Vedic Chanting
- Om Bhadram karnebhih - Vedic Chanting
- Om Bhadram karnebhih - Vedic Chanting
- Om Bhadram karnebhih - Vedic Chanting
- Asanas - Chapter 11 - Cakrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 11 - Chakrasana - Transcription
- Asanas - Chapter 11 - Chakrasana
- Asanas - Chapter 11 - Chakrasana
- Happy Assembly - Unity in Diversity
- Karma Yoga
- Relaxation Techniques - Deep Relaxation Technique
- Pahi Pahi Gajanana Parvati-tanaya gajanana - Bhajan
- Pahi Pahi Gajanana Parvati-tanaya gajanana - Bhajan
- Pahi Pahi Gajanana Parvati-tanaya gajanana - Bhajan
- Saccidananda Guru Saccidananda, - Bhajan
- Saccidananda Guru Saccidananda, - Bhajan
- Saccidananda guru saccidananda,
- Yogena Chittasya - Prayer
- Yogena Chittasya - Prayer
- Yogena Chittasya - Prayer
- hari om shan no mitrah - Vedic Chanting
- hari om shan no mitrah - Vedic Chanting
- hari om shan no mitrah - Vedic Chanting
- Om Apyayantu mamangani - Vedic Chanting
- Om Apyayantu mamangani - Vedic Chanting
- Om Apyayantu mamangani - Vedic Chanting
- No items in this week
- Relaxation Techniques - Deep Relaxation Technique
- Relaxation Techniques - Deep Relaxation Technique
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