Yoga for Physical Stamina

Offered By: AICTE via Swayam


Yoga Courses Meditation Courses Asana Courses Stress Management Courses Breathing Exercises Courses Physical Fitness Courses Muscle Physiology Courses

Course Description


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This course provides an overview of Yoga for Physical Stamina. As a component of total personality development Yoga for Physical Stamina aims at training the participants in both eastern and western perspectives thus improving the physical stamina. This course includes both theory and practice components; the theory modules will give an overview of the both eastern and western perspectives of physical fitness, Component of physical fitness, Structure of muscles, Muscles Physiology, Exercise physiology, Types of exercise for physical stamina and physical fitness, Difference between yoga and exercises, Stress and performance, Yogic concept of physical fitness, different Yogic techniques for physical stamina development, Importance of Meditation for physical stamina and Over view of Research on physical stamina.The other part of the course will give a detailed explanation and hands on practice sessions of various yoga techniques starting from Breathing Practices, Relaxation Techniques, Loosening Practices, Sukshma Vyayama, Surya Namaskara, Yogasanas practices, Pranayamas, different types of Meditation techniques and Krida Yoga for physical stamina.


Week 1
  • Module -1 Introduction physical stamina
  • Module -2 Component of physical fitness
Week 2
  • Module - 3 Structure of muscles
  • Module - 4 Muscles Physiology
Week 3
  • Module - 5 Exercise physiology
  • Module - 6 Yogic concepts of physical fitness
Week 4
  • Module - 7 Concept of Stress
  • Module - 8 Stress and It’s Management According to Yoga
Week 5
  • Module -- 9 Difference between yoga and exercises
  • Module 10 Yogic technique for physical stamina development -1 (Asana)
Week 6
  • Module -11- Yogic technique for physical stamina development -2 (Pranayama)
  • Module -12 Yogic technique for physical stamina development -3 (Kriya)
Week 7
  • Module -13 Yoga and Diet
  • Module -14 Advance Techniques for physical stamina – I (MSRT)
Week 8
  • Module -15 Advance Techniques for physical stamina –II (CM)
  • Module -16 Karma Yoga
Week 9
  • Module -17 Krida Yoga
  • Module -18 Evidence based Yoga for Physical stamina
Integrated Yoga practices for physical stamina

Week 10
  • Module -19 Relaxation Techniques, Sithala Tadasana, Sithala Danda Asana, Makarasana, Savasana
  • Module -20 Loosening Practices - I
Week 11
  • Module - 21 Loosening Practices - II
  • Module - 22 Sukshma Vyayama – II
  • Module - 23 Breathing Practices
Week 12
  • Module - 24 Surya Namaskara
  • Module -25 Yogasanas practices – I Ardhakati Chakrasana, Ardha Chakrasana, Padahastasana, Ardhachandrasana
  • Module -26 Yogasanas practices – II Parivrtta Trikonasana, Parsva Konasana, Prasarita padahastasana, Trikonasana
Week 13
  • Module -27 Yogasanas practices – III Virabhadra I, Virabhadra II, Virabhadra III, Vrishasana, Garudasana
  • Module -28 Yogasanas practices – IV Akarna Dhanurasana, Bhunaman asana, Pascimatanasana
  • Module -29 Yogasanas practices – V Supta Vajarasana, Ushtrasana, Vakarasana, Matsyendra
Week 14
  • Module - 30 Yogasanas practices – VI Sarvangasana, Halasana, Matsyasana, Cakrasana
  • Module - 31 Yogasanas practices – VII Pavanmuktasana, Salabhasana, Bhujangasana Dhanurasana,
  • Module - 32 Sectional breathing & Pranayamas
Week 15
  • Module - 33 Trataka
  • Module -34 Om Meditation
  • Module -35 CM
  • Module -36 Krida Yoga
Week 16
  • Module -37Mind Sound Resonance Technique
  • Module -38 Integrated Yoga Module I
  • Module - 39 Integrated Yoga Module II
  • Module - 40 Integrated Yoga Module III

Taught by

Dr H R Nagendra | Dr Vikas Rawat | Dr Anirudha Arya


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