Soil Dynamics
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Course Description
Week 1: Introduction, Theory of vibrations (Single-degree-freedom systems: undamped and damped free vibration)
Week 2: Theory of vibrations (under damped system, logarithmic decrement, steady state forced vibration, rotating mass type excitation, Rayleigh’s method)
Week 3: Coulomb’s damping, Multi-degree of freedom system, Numerical problems on theory of vibrations
Week 4 : Duhamel’s integral, Wave propagation (longitudinal and torsional wave propagation in an elastic rod, longitudinal and torsional wave propagation in an elastic infinite medium, wave propagation in a semi-infinite elastic half space)
Week 5: Determination of dynamic properties of soils part-1 (resonant column test, cyclic triaxial test, torsional shear test)
Week 6: Determination of dynamic properties of soils part-2 (seismic reflection and refraction survey, block vibration test)
Week 7 :Liquefaction of soils: liquefaction mechanism, factors affecting liquefaction, studies by dynamic tri-axial testing, assessment of liquefaction potential)
Week 8: Machine foundations (design criteria for machine foundations; elastic homogeneous half space)
Week 9: Machine foundations (lumped parameter solutions, design of foundations for impact type machines, other dynamically loaded foundations part-1)
Week 10 :Machine foundations (analysis and design of dynamically loaded foundations part-2)
Week 11: Analysis of pile foundations under dynamic loading
Week 12: Effect of machine foundation on adjoining structures. isolations of vibrations Online
Taught by
Prof. Paramita Bhattacharya
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