Earthquake Resistant Design of Foundations
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Roorkee via Swayam
Course Description
The course covers various types of foundations, required soil investigations, soil parameters, and codes of practice. Design considerations for seismic resistant design of foundations. The course will focus on techniques of design of foundations so that it does not fail during earthquakes. This will cover both shallow and deep foundations. Major focus will be on the design of deep foundations for lateral loads.INTENDED AUDIENCE :BE/ B Tech (Civil Engineering) as an elective in the final year. ME/MTech either in Geotechnical Eng. or in Structural EngineeringPREREQUISITES :Soil Mechanics and Foundation EngineeringINDUSTRIES SUPPORT :NPCIL, BHEL, THDC, NTPC, NHPC, ONGC, RDSO, RVNL, CPWD, NBCC, L&T, KELLER, Fugro, Maccaferri, GENSTRU, STRATA etc. (probably)
Week 1 :Introduction: General requirements, types of shallow and deep foundations and their use; performance of various types of foundations during past earthquakes.
Shallow Foundations: IS codes for bearing capacity and settlement of foundations, foundation design, modes of soil failure.Week 2 :Shallow Foundations: Safe bearing capacity, differential & total settlements, increase in permissible stress under earthquake loads. Methods of analysis, experimental investigations, Combined footings for earthquake loadsWeek 3 :Shallow Foundations: Raft foundation, modulus of sub grade reaction, Winkler model, beam on elastic foundation. Dynamic Bearing Capacity under Transient & Earthquake Type Loads: Types of dynamic loads; Footing requirements to account for settlements and earthquake induced forces; Pseudo-Static analysis of footings with eccentric & inclined loads. Effect of horizontal load and moment. Dynamic Analysis of shallow foundations for various modes of vibrationsWeek 4 :Pile Foundations: Types of piles based on usage, material, construction etc. pile load capacity in compression, Bearing capacity of piles, group action of piles, settlement of a pile group;Week 5 :Pile Foundations: Laterally loaded piles, elastic analysis; Reese and Matlock approach, fixity of pile heads, dimensionless factors; Pile with dynamic loads.Week 6 :Pile Foundations: soil-pile analysis with spring-mass & FEM idealisation, elements for slip and separation, soil-pile interaction, IS code of practice for design of pile foundations, piles through liquefiable soilsWeek 7 :Well Foundations & Caissons: Types; components; scour depth, depth & bearing capacity of wells, static forces considered in stability of wells; Lateral stability of well foundations. Pseudo-static analysis with earthquake induced loads, Lateral load resistance of well foundation; Terzahi's approach; IRC, IS and Indian Railway Codes, their limitations.Week 8 :SSI for Deep Foundations: Soil-Structure Interaction, Modelling of Unbounded Soil Media for Dynamic Loads, Free Field Motion, Kinematic Interaction and Inertial Interaction.
Shallow Foundations: IS codes for bearing capacity and settlement of foundations, foundation design, modes of soil failure.Week 2 :Shallow Foundations: Safe bearing capacity, differential & total settlements, increase in permissible stress under earthquake loads. Methods of analysis, experimental investigations, Combined footings for earthquake loadsWeek 3 :Shallow Foundations: Raft foundation, modulus of sub grade reaction, Winkler model, beam on elastic foundation. Dynamic Bearing Capacity under Transient & Earthquake Type Loads: Types of dynamic loads; Footing requirements to account for settlements and earthquake induced forces; Pseudo-Static analysis of footings with eccentric & inclined loads. Effect of horizontal load and moment. Dynamic Analysis of shallow foundations for various modes of vibrationsWeek 4 :Pile Foundations: Types of piles based on usage, material, construction etc. pile load capacity in compression, Bearing capacity of piles, group action of piles, settlement of a pile group;Week 5 :Pile Foundations: Laterally loaded piles, elastic analysis; Reese and Matlock approach, fixity of pile heads, dimensionless factors; Pile with dynamic loads.Week 6 :Pile Foundations: soil-pile analysis with spring-mass & FEM idealisation, elements for slip and separation, soil-pile interaction, IS code of practice for design of pile foundations, piles through liquefiable soilsWeek 7 :Well Foundations & Caissons: Types; components; scour depth, depth & bearing capacity of wells, static forces considered in stability of wells; Lateral stability of well foundations. Pseudo-static analysis with earthquake induced loads, Lateral load resistance of well foundation; Terzahi's approach; IRC, IS and Indian Railway Codes, their limitations.Week 8 :SSI for Deep Foundations: Soil-Structure Interaction, Modelling of Unbounded Soil Media for Dynamic Loads, Free Field Motion, Kinematic Interaction and Inertial Interaction.
Taught by
Prof. B. K. Maheshwari
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