Sericulture Technology
Offered By: CEC via Swayam
Course Description
Sericulture Technology is an important village oriented Entrepreneur Development Programme.
The course aims at following objectives:
* To know Technology of Mulberry cultivation and basic inputs of water, irrigation, fertilizers, and pest management.
*To study the biology and varieties of mulberry silkworms and the basic techniques of silk production and construction of cocoons
* To follow proper technology of rearing silkworm larvae and using disinfection methods so that to get healthy cocoons
*The course also aims to teach post cocoon techniques like stifling, reeling, and utilization of byproducts
*Above all the sustainability to get a steady and reasonable income to growers and Sericulture farmers and improving rural economy are the ultimate objectives of the course.
Week- I
1. Introducing the Basics of Sericulture
2. Mulberry Cultivation
3. Familiarising With the Methods of Propagation
Week - II
4. Understanding the Nutritional requirements
5. Getting to know irrigation
Week - III
6. Pruning of mulberries
7. Harvesting Mulberries
8. Understanding Pest Management
Week - IV
9. Understanding the History of Silkworm
10. Classification of silkworm
11. Morphology and Physiology of Mulberry Silkworm
Week - V
12. Comprehending the structure of Silkglands
13. Rearing House and Silkworm Rearing
14. Disinfecting Rearing house
Week - VI
15. Incubation of Silkworm Eggs and Chawki Worm Rearing
16. Understanding the different stages of rearing
Week - VII
17. Understanding pests and diseases of silkworm
18. Studying the Post Cocoon Technology
Week - VIII
19. Listing the By-Product Utilisation and Rearing of Non mulberry silk worms
20. Exploring sustainability of rural economy using sericulture
Taught by
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