Physics of Functional Materials & Devices
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam
Course Description
ABOUT THE COURSE:The development of next generation smart and functional devices is directly linked with the ability to tailor novel materials ranging from ceramics, composites, polymers to glasses. The synthesis protocols for obtaining these materials have been extensively investigated over the last few decades. But, as the morphology and crystal structures changes, the physical response of the materials varies significantly. Therefore, it is imperative to understand in the detail the structure-property relation in materials before their end application can be envisaged. Once the materials are characterized, their response characteristics, under various conditions, must be understood in detail. Finally, the choice of material for a particular device in a non-trivial exercise. This can only be made by trained scientists/ engineers, who have the ability to understand the limitations of materials and devices alongwith the demands of the end users. These aspects will be covered in this course.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Integrated M.Sc.: Physics, material science, B.Tech: Electronics, Engineering Physics, Electrical, Mechanical, Metallurgy, Chemical Engineering Industry: Related to Semiconductor Devices, Material research M.Tech.: Materials Science, Physics, Nanotechnology, Chemical Engineering, Mechanical, ElectricalPREREQUISITES: Upto 3rd Year courses of the B.Tech. DegreeINDUSTRY SUPPORT: 1) Log9 Materials2) Chiplogic Technologies3) Freescale Semiconductor4) Intel Semiconductor Corporation5) Larsen & Toubro Technology6) Exide Batteries7) Vikram Solar8) Avery Dennison9) IBM Research
Week 1: 1) Introduction to solid state materials – From conventional to functional
2) Ceramics, Composites, Polymers and Glass
3) Synthesis protocols – top down and bottom up
4) Introduction to Nanomaterials and functionalityWeek 2:1) Crystal Structure
2) Symmetry Operations
3) Crystal imperfections
4) Alloys and melts
5) Structure – Property CorrelationWeek 3:1) Theory of Solids
2) Bonds in Molecules and Solids
3) Free Electron Model
4) Nearly Free Electron Model
5) Applications and examplesWeek 4:1) Lattice Defects and Electronic Structure
2) Phase and Phase transitions
3) Transformations kinetics
4) Thermodynamics and reaction rates
5) Determination of phase transitionWeek 5:1) Homogeneous reactions and diffusion
2) Diffusion mechanisms
3) Mechanical properties of solids
4) Thermal properties of solids
5) Heat CapacityWeek 6:1) Introduction to thermal properties of solids
2) Expansion in solids
3) Negative and zero expansion ceramics – Their applications
4) Elasticity and compressibility
5) ViscosityWeek 7:1) Introduction to magnetism
2) Magnetic properties of solids
3) Magnetism at nanoscale
4) Bulk and man-sized magnetic materials
5) Characterization of structure and properties of magnetic materialsWeek 8:1) Giant and Colossal Magnetoresistance
2) GMR and CMR materials
3) Spintronics
4) Spin diode and filters
5) Spintronics for data storage and energy harvestingWeek 9:1) Introduction to Properties of Liquids & Melts
2) X-ray Spectra & Models of Liquids & Melts
3) Thermal Expansion & Heat Capacity
4) Transport Properties
5) Thermal & Electrical conductionWeek 10:1) Sensors and detectors – Magnetic
2) Sensors – Optical and Electrical
3) Sensors – Thermal
4) Sensors – VOCs and electrochemicalWeek 11:1) Energy Devices – batteries
2) Energy devices – supercapacitors
3) Energy devices – solar cells
4) Piezoelectric devicesWeek 12:1) Characterization techniques
2) XRD, Neutron diffraction and electron diffraction
3) SEM and TEM
4) Optical and electrical characterization
2) Ceramics, Composites, Polymers and Glass
3) Synthesis protocols – top down and bottom up
4) Introduction to Nanomaterials and functionalityWeek 2:1) Crystal Structure
2) Symmetry Operations
3) Crystal imperfections
4) Alloys and melts
5) Structure – Property CorrelationWeek 3:1) Theory of Solids
2) Bonds in Molecules and Solids
3) Free Electron Model
4) Nearly Free Electron Model
5) Applications and examplesWeek 4:1) Lattice Defects and Electronic Structure
2) Phase and Phase transitions
3) Transformations kinetics
4) Thermodynamics and reaction rates
5) Determination of phase transitionWeek 5:1) Homogeneous reactions and diffusion
2) Diffusion mechanisms
3) Mechanical properties of solids
4) Thermal properties of solids
5) Heat CapacityWeek 6:1) Introduction to thermal properties of solids
2) Expansion in solids
3) Negative and zero expansion ceramics – Their applications
4) Elasticity and compressibility
5) ViscosityWeek 7:1) Introduction to magnetism
2) Magnetic properties of solids
3) Magnetism at nanoscale
4) Bulk and man-sized magnetic materials
5) Characterization of structure and properties of magnetic materialsWeek 8:1) Giant and Colossal Magnetoresistance
2) GMR and CMR materials
3) Spintronics
4) Spin diode and filters
5) Spintronics for data storage and energy harvestingWeek 9:1) Introduction to Properties of Liquids & Melts
2) X-ray Spectra & Models of Liquids & Melts
3) Thermal Expansion & Heat Capacity
4) Transport Properties
5) Thermal & Electrical conductionWeek 10:1) Sensors and detectors – Magnetic
2) Sensors – Optical and Electrical
3) Sensors – Thermal
4) Sensors – VOCs and electrochemicalWeek 11:1) Energy Devices – batteries
2) Energy devices – supercapacitors
3) Energy devices – solar cells
4) Piezoelectric devicesWeek 12:1) Characterization techniques
2) XRD, Neutron diffraction and electron diffraction
3) SEM and TEM
4) Optical and electrical characterization
Taught by
Prof. Amreesh Chandra
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