Introduction To Brain & Behaviour
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur via Swayam
Course Description
Course Objectives: The course is meant to familiarise the students with theneural basis of mental/cognitive processes. The course will stress on both how the mental functions operate to give rise to human behaviour and also simultaneously show how these processes are implemented in the human brain.INTENDED AUDIENCE : Students across various disciplines from the Cognitive Sciences, Neurosciences, Psychology doing either their Bachelors or Masters, and even PhD may benefit from this course.PREREQUISITES : NilINDUSTRY SUPPORT : Nil
Week 1: A Brief History of Cognitive Neuroscience.Structure and Function of the Nervous System.Week 2: Methods in Cognitive NeuroscienceWeek 3: Neural Basis of Sensation and Perception.Week 4: Neural Basis of Object Recognition.Week 5: Neural Basis of Attention and Consciousness.Week 6: Neural Basis of Learning and Memory.Week 7: Neural Basis of Language & Cognitive Control.Week 8: Special Topics in Cognitive Neuroscience.
Taught by
Prof. Ark Verma
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