Le clarificateur : comprendre les mécanismes de la créativité

Offered By: IONIS via IONIS


Design & Creativity Courses Creative Thinking Courses Creativity Courses Idea Generation Courses Inspiration Courses Cognitive Processes Courses

Course Description


Want to know more about creativity? What is it? Where does it come from?

Through this course, you will learn the concept of creativity and its various definitions and discover that you, too, can be a creative person. You will learn that this is a much more complex concept it seems. Browse the different streams of creativity will help you better understand the creative process of a cognitive and social perspective. A description of both existing thinking in humans, you will understand the logical sequence of ideas.

Finally, you will have to detach yourself from this conventional wisdom suggesting that an idea comes spontaneously, like magic, and you'll discover that this is a long process, which is open to you.

Who is this course?

To all the men and women who want to understand where creativity, what are its foundations, since when it is studied and by whom, that it concerns, what it does and how it is more than relevant today our changing world.


  • Origin of Creativity
  • Definition of creativity
  • Rational thought VS creative thinking
  • Inspiration: Creative geniuses
  • Eureka! The birth of an idea

Taught by

Brigitte de Boucaud


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