Fish & Fisheries

Offered By: Saurashtra University via Swayam


Humanities Courses Ichthyology Courses

Course Description


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The present course has been specially designed for the students studying in the zoology subject at college level as per the UGC approved curriculum. In addition this course can also be opted by U.G. students of relevant disciplines of biological sciences including Life-sciences, Agricultural Sciences,Toxicology, Forensic Science, Geological Sciences, Veterinary Sciences, Fishery Science, Fishbiology, Forestry, Marine Biology, Aquatic Biology etc.The course will initially cover the essential aspects of fish biology as introduction to fresh water as well as marine fishes, its taxonomic position and identification as well as fish Behaviour. Also fish physiology of feeding and breeding, migrations, defense mechanisms, schooling, parental care etc. Topics regarding fishing and fisheries as Inland Fisheries, Marine Fisheries, Fishing crafts and Gears, Environmental factors influencing the seasonal variations in fish catches in the Arabian Sea and the bay of Bengal. Teaching of topics that are a modern day concern as depletion of fisheries resources, Application of remote sensing and GIS in fisheries and Fisheries law and regulations. As regards to aquaculture sustainable, extensive and intensive culture of fish, pen and cage cultures, poly and composite culture, induced breeding management of finfish hatcheries, brood stock management, fish diets, role or water quality, fish diseases –as bacterial, viral and parasitic. Fish preservation and processing including byproducts will be studied. Besides, aquarium preparation and maintenance as well as use of fish in research works as transgenic fish using zebra fish as model will be taught.


W1_M1_General Description of FishW1_M2_Classification of Fishes (Upto Classes)W2_M3_Classification of Fishes Based on Feeding HabitsW2_M4_Classification of Fishes Based on Habitat and Manner of ReproductionW3_M5_Types of Fish Fins and their ModificationsW3_M6_Locomotion in FishesW3_M7_Fish HydrodynamicsW4_M8_Types of Fish Scales and Uses of ScalesW4_M9_Gills and Gas Exchange in FishesW4_M10_Swim Bladder Types and Buoyancy in FishesW5_M11_Osmoregulation in FishesW5_M12_Reproductive Strategies in FishesW5_M13_Electric Organs in FishesW6_M14_Bioluminescence in FishesW6_M15_Mechanoreceptors in FishesW7_M16_Schooling, Parental Care and Migration in FishesW7_M17_Inland FisheriesW8_M18_Marine FisheriesW8_M19_Environmental Factors influencing the Seasonal Variations in FishesW8_M20_Fishing Crafts and GearsW9_M21_Depletion of Fisheries ResourcesW9_M22_Application of Remote Sensing and GIS in FisheriesW9_M23_Fisheries Laws and RegulationsW10_M24_Sustainable AquacultureW10_M25_Induced Breeding of FishW10_M26_Management of Finfish HatcheriesW11_M27_Preparation and Maintenance of Fish AquariumW11_M28_Preparation of Compound Diets for Fish and Role of Water Quality in AquacultureW11_M29_Fish DiseasesW12_M30_Preservation and Processing of Harvested FishW12_M31_Fishery By-ProductsW12_M32_Transgenic Fish and Zebrafish as a Model Organism in Research

Taught by

Dr.Kespi Aspi Pithawala


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