BESC-131: Education: Concept, Nature and Perspectives

Offered By: IGNOU via Swayam


Education & Teaching Courses Critical Thinking Courses Behavior Analysis Courses

Course Description


The course BESC-131 Education: Concept, Nature and Perspectives is one of the Discipline Specific Core courses of Education subject under the BAG-CBCS Programme. This is a six credit course studied at the first semester of BAG-CBCS programme. The course is designed in 4 blocks with 16 modules, comprising four modules in each block. The course includes e-content, e-tutorials, scope for a discussion forum, module wise quiz questions and final assessment through National Testing Agency. The course provides a basic understanding about the concept, nature and scope of education by elaborating and exemplifying different context and perspectives of education and its operations. The major perspectives of education such as philosophical, sociological and socio-psychological perspectives have been discussed in this course. The course will enable the learners to understand and engage with different educational discourses both in theoretical and operational aspects. Further, the knowledge base of this course will help the learners to understand other courses of Education included in other semesters of BAG-CBCS programme.The course ‘BESC-131 Education: Concept, Nature and Perspectives’ is for the learners who are pursuing BAG-CBCS Programme in IGNOU and have opted ‘Education’ as one of the subjects of their study. Learners pursuing B.A. (Education) programme both in General and Honours in other Conventional and Open Universities can also pursue this course.


Abraham Francis & Margin John (2002). Sociological Thought, McMillan India Ltd.


Alberto, P., & Troutman, A. (2003). Applied behavior analysis for teachers (6th ed.). Columbus, OH, USA: Prentice-Hall-Merrill.


Altekar, A.S. (1957). Education in Ancient India, (5th edition), 1957, Varanasi: Nand Kishore and Bros.


Apple, Michael W. and Beane, James A (2006). ‘Democratic Schools: Lessons from Chalkface’, Eklavya Publication. pp.243-246.


Arnott, J.J. (1995). Broad and Narrow Socialization: The Family in the context of a cultural theory. Journal of Marriage and the Family, 57(3), 617-628.


Badheka, Giju Bhai. (1990). Divasvapna An Educator’s Reverie translated by Chittaranjan Pathak. NBT, New Delhi.


Ball, S. J. (1987). ‘The Micro – Politics of the School: Towards a theory of school organization’, Methuen: London & New York.


Ballantine. J.H. and Spade, J.Z. (2015). Schools and Society: A Sociological Approach to Education. New Delhi: Sage Publications, Inc.


Bandura, A. (1997). Self-efficacy: The exercise of control. New York: Freeman.


Bhattacharya, S. (2006). Philosophical Foundation of Education. New Delhi: Atlantic Publishers and Distributors.


Bigge, M.L. and Hunt, M.P. (1968). Psychological Foundations of Education, Harper& Row, New York


Brown, Francis J. (1954). Educational Sociology. New York: Prentice Hall


Brubacher, J.S. (2007). Modern philosophies of education. 3 rd ed. Michigan: Surjeet publications, New Delhi, pp.1.23


Bruckacher, John. S. (1969). Modern Philosophies of Education. New York: Mc Graw Hil Co.


Chambliss, J.J. (1996). Philosophy of Education an encyclopedia. New York, London: Garland publishing, Inc.


Crow and Crow (1973). “Educational Psychology”, Eurasia Publishing House, New York.


Delors Jacques (1996). Learning the Treasure Within, Paris: UNESCO Publishing.


Ellis, A. K., Cogan, J. J., & Howey, K. R. (1991). Introduction to the Foundations of Education (3rd ed.). New Jersey: Prentice Hall.


Gardner, H. (1993b). Multiple intelligences: The theory in practice. New York: Basic Books


Gutek,G.L. (2009). New perspectives on philosophy and education. New Jersey: person Columbia, Ohio upper Saddle River, Inc.


Kneller, G.F. (1965). The Art and Science of Creativity. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston.


Krishnamurti, J. (1953). Education and the Significance of Life, London: Victor Gollancz Ltd.


Maslow, A.(1970). Motivation and Personality (2nd edition), New York: Harper &Row.


Mc Dougall (1908). An introduction to Social Psychology, London: Methuen.


Musgrave, P.W. (ed.), (1970). Sociology, History and Education. London: Mathuen & Co. Ltd.


NCERT (2005). National Curriculum Framework (NCF, 2005). New Delhi: NCERT.


NUEPA (2014). Education for All-Towards Quality with Equity. New Delhi: Ministry of Human Resource Development, Govt. of India.


Nurullah, Syed & Naik, J.P. (Vth eds.). (1964). Student History of Education in India. Macmillan, Calcutta (1971, Reprint).


Park, J. (1963). Selected Readings in the Philosophy of Education. Macmillan Publisher.


Peters, R.S. (ed.) (2010). The Concept of Education –Vol. 17, New York: Routledge.


Rai, B.C. (2001). History of Indian Education, Lucknow, India: Prakashan Kendra


Rather, A.R. (2014). Theory and Principles of Education. New Delhi: Discovery Publications House.


Skinner, M, Daniel (1978). Educational Psychology, Allyn & Bacon, New York.


Taneja, V.R. (2005). Socio-Philosophical Approach to Education. New Delhi; Atlantic Publishers, p.18.




Taught by

Dr Niradhar Dey


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