Administrative Law

Offered By: CEC via Swayam


Administrative Law Courses Constitutional Law Courses Rule of Law Courses

Course Description


Administrative law has been designated as most outstanding legal development of 20th century. As a branch of law it pertains to decision making of various administrative entities of the government like boards, tribunals or commissions which are a part in making nationwide schemes for trade, taxation, transport and policing laws. Administrative law has now become one of the branches of constitutional law as it is an appropriate subject which resulted from the tremendous growth of administrative powers and functions. It determines the organization, powers, and duties of the administrative authorities which advances its immense importance as a separate branch of law.The objective of this 02 credit Mooc on Administrative law is to make students aware about various aspects of administrative laws including; quasi-legislative quasi-judicial and other ministerial functions of administration.Keeping into consideration the importance of Administrative Law it is designated and identified by the experts as one of the core papers in the prescribed syllabi of various law programmes throughout the globe.The need of the hour in this covid-19 Pandemic is to minimize the academic loss caused to the student community in general and make the education available at their door steps.


WEEK 1 1. Nature, Scope and Development of Administrative Law. 2. Relationship between Administrative Law and Constitutional Law. 3. Separation of Powers 4. Rule of law   WEEK 2 5. Legislative Functions of administration: Delegated Legislation 6. Legislative functions of Administration: Forms and Requirements 7. Legislative Functions of Administration: The control Mechanism 8. Judicial Control of Administrative Action   WEEK 3 9. Administrative Tribunals: Nature, Power, Procedure and Rules of Evidence 10. Administrative Discretion: Meaning, Need & Nature. 11. Administrative Discretion & Natural Justice 12. The Writs   WEEK 4 13. Public Interest Litigation 14. Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation. 15. Doctrine of Locus Standi. 16. Concept & Working of Administrative Tribunals.   WEEK 5 17. Working of Administrative Tribunal In India. 18. Doctrine of Legitimate Expectation. 19. Doctrine of Sovereign Immunity. 20. Classification of Functions of Administration   WEEK 6 21. Ombudsman: Lokpal and Lokayukt  

Taught by

Dr. Aneeda Jan


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