Accreditation and Outcome Based Learning

Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology, Kharagpur via Swayam


Course Development Courses Curriculum Design Courses Taxonomy Courses Accreditation Courses

Course Description


Globalization, changing demographics and technological advancements are some of the key driving forces of the future. Our students will have to be prepared to face these challenges and seize the opportunities brought about by these forces. In Twenty-first Century Learning, students use educational technologies to apply knowledge to new situations, analyze information, collaborate, solve problems, and make decisions. Twenty-first century education structured should be outcome based which developed certain critical core competencies such as collaboration, digital literacy, critical thinking, and problem-solving, self learning. The curriculum should incorporates higher order thinking skills, multiple intelligences, technology and multimedia, communication skill and self learning methodology along with authenticated scientific assessments and evaluation. Curriculum should provide direction so that student can learn by themselves and work both independently and interdependently. The curriculum and instruction are designed to challenge all students, and provides for differentiation. So the curriculum is not a syllabus or textbook-driven or fragmented, it should be set of Specific, Measurable, Appropriate, Challenging but Achievable educational objective or Skills (outcome) which students will be acquire at the end. Evaluation of student achievement can be made more valid and reliable as the benchmark of achievements is explicitly stated.The course equips the learner with the tools and techniques for effective teaching and hand on practices through specially designed software with appropriate pedagogic framework for design outcome based curricula. Course outcome• Identify and write down the outcome based course, module and unit objectives based on Bloom Taxonomy• Develop appropriate test items for all outcome based objectives for both summative and formative evaluation.• Plan an outcome-based curriculum document to meet NBA and Washington Accord requirements.INTENDED AUDIENCE: Any Interested LearnersPREREQUISITES: Nil.


Week 1: Graduate attribute and accreditation (Washington Accord, NBA etc.)Week 2: Introduction to Outcome based LearningWeek 3: Taxonomies and Instructional ObjectivesWeek 4: Assessment and EvaluationWeek 5: ICT for Assessment and EvaluationWeek 6: Outcome-based Curriculum Design frameworkWeek 7: Outcome-based Curriculum DesignWeek 8: Mapping of outcome based curriculum with Graduate attribute,Outcome-based Curriculum
Design framework,Learning style and learning approaches,What is good teaching and its
Attributes,Good teaching practices

Taught by

Prof. S K. Das Mandal & Prof. Anup Kumar Ray


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