Stanford Esophageal Program Webinar: Key Advances in Esophageal Diagnostic Testing (RECORDING)
Offered By: Stanford University via Independent
Course Description
Stanford Center for Continuing Medical Education, Stanford Esophageal Program Webinar: Key Advances in Esophageal Diagnostic Testing (RECORDING), 6/30/2022 12:00:00 AM - 6/29/2024 12:00:00 AM, Internet Enduring Material Sponsored by Stanford University School of Medicine. Presented by the Department of Medicine, Gastroenterology & Hepatology.This is a recorded presentation of the Key Advances in Esophageal Diagnostic Testing held on Tuesday, April 26, 2022. This series aims to shed light on recent advances in the field of esophageal disorders. Participants will learn strategies and diagnostic approaches to common esophageal complaints, including dysphagia and reflux symptoms, as well as specifics regarding less common but emerging disorders including achalasia and eosinophilic esophagitis. This series consist of 3 hour internet-based educational sessions with key faculty members held approximately every 3 months. Each session will focus in depth on a particular key clinical issue. This session will focus on the role of diagnostic testing in the evaluation of esophageal disease. This includes basic tests performed by all gastroenterologists, such as endoscopy - but also more specialized testing that may be more limited in availability, such as manometry, reflux testing and the Functional Lumen Imaging Probe. There has been massive development in this area within the past decade, including key technology developments and new FDA approvals just within the last year alone. It is impossible for the busy practitioner to keep up with these new developments and this webinar will highlight these advances in a succinct fashion to educate the attendees on the key developments in this area.
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