Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics
Offered By: Skillshare
Course Description
Electricity and electronics calculations made easy!
This course includes video and text explanations of everything in electricity and electronics, and it includes more than 40 worked through examples with easy-to-understand explanations. 'Fundamentals of Electricity and Electronics' is organized into eight sections:
- Basic concepts
- Basic laws
- Methods of analysis
- Circuit theorems
- Operational amplifiers
- Capacitors and inductors
- Sinusoids and phasors
- Sinusoidal steady-state analysis
These are the eight fundamental chapters in the study of electrical and electronic engineering.
Watch over my shoulder as I solve problems for every single electricity and electronics issue you’ll encounter in class. We start from the beginning... First I teach the theory. Then I do an example problem. I explain the problem, the steps I take and why I take them, and how to simplify the answer when you get it.
- Introduction
- Basic Concepts of Electricity and Electronics
- Power
- Kirchoffs Laws
- Types of Sources + Branches, Nodes and Loops
- Cramers Rule in a 3x3 Matrix +Example
- Passive Sign Convention + Example
- Series and Parallel Resistors
- Series and Parallel Resistors Example
- Current Division and Voltage Division + Example
- Wye Delta Transformation + Example
- Nodal Analysis + Example
- Supernodes + Example
- Nodal Analysis by Inspection + Example
- Mesh Analysis + Example
- Supermesh
- Supermesh + Example
- Mesh Analysis by Inspection + Example
- When to Use Nodal or Mesh Analysis
- Transistors
- Transistors Example
- Superposition + Example
- Source Transformation + Example
- Thevenins Theorem
- Thevenins Theorem Example (Part 1)
- Thevenins Theorem Example (Part 2)
- Nortons Theorem + Example
- Maximum Power Transfer + Example
- Operational Amplifiers
- Operational Amplifier Example
- Capacitors and Inductors
- Capacitor and Inductors Example
- Phasors + Example
- Phasor Arithmetic on Calculator + Example
- Complex Numbers on the Calculator + Examples
- Impedance and Admitance
- Impedance and Admitance Example
- Leading and Lagging Sinusoids + Example
- Sinusoidal Source Transformation Example
- Sinusoidal Thevenin Equivalent Example (Part 1)
- Sinusoidal Thevenin Equivalent Example (Part 2)
Taught by
Leon Petrou
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