Principles of Electric Circuits: Part 1

Offered By: Tsinghua University via edX


Electrical Engineering Courses Circuit Analysis Courses Electric Circuits Courses Time Domain Analysis Courses MOSFETs Courses Operational Amplifiers Courses

Course Description


*Note - This is an Archived course*

This is a past/archived course. At this time, you can only explore this course in a self-paced fashion. Certain features of this course may not be active, but many people enjoy watching the videos and working with the materials. Make sure to check for reruns of this course.

Course videos are presented in Mandarin with English subtitles.

The principles of electric circuits are critical for electrical engineering and computer science students. In this course, we will cover linear and nonlinear resistive circuits, and dynamic circuits in time and phasor domains. In addition to learning critical methods for analyzing circuits, the course will discuss modern circuit elements, such as MOSFETs and Op Amps, used in cutting-edge technologies. This course provides a solid introduction to the real-world application of electric circuits. You will gain a deeper understanding of the important role circuits play in our lives.


电路原理课程是电类各专业最重要的一门学科基础课,后续各专业基础课和专业课都建立在这门课程的知识体系之上,因此是电类专业本科生的“看家 课”之一。电路原理课程的主要内容包括:线性电阻电路分析、非线性电阻电路分析、动态电路的时域分析和正弦激励下动态电路的稳态分析4大部分。清华大学电 路原理课程的教学包括电路分析基本方法、当代电路元器件、电路原理的实际工程应用等,为学生提供了扎实的基础和丰富的应用。

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I only speak English. Can I take the course?

Of course you can! Even though all the lectures are given in Chinese, English subtitles will be provided.

We also have a plan to provide the full English version of the course on edX in 2015.






  1. 江缉光、刘秀成,《电路原理(第2版)》,清华大学出版社,2007

  2. Agarwal and Lang, 《模拟和数字电子电路基础(于歆杰等译)》,清华大学出版社,2008,MIT电路课程教材

  3. Nilsson and Riedel, Electric Circuits 7th, 电子工业出版社影印,2005,美国销量最大的电路教材

  4. Alexander and Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits, 清华大学出版社影印,2000,中国应用最多的电路双语教材

  5. Hayt, Kemmerly, and Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis 7th, 电子工业出版社影印,2006

  6. 李翰荪,《简明电路分析基础》,高等教育出版社,2002

  7. 邱关源,罗先觉,《电路(第5版)》,高等教育出版社,2006


  1. 俞大光,《电工基础(修订本)》,人民教育出版社,1964

  2. 德陶佐等著,江缉光等译,《系统、网络与计算:基本概念》,人民教育出版社,1978

  3. 狄苏尔、葛守仁著,林争辉等译,《电路基本理论》,人民教育出版社,1979

  4. 克鲁格,《电工原理(第6版)》,龙门联合书局,1954

Q. The handouts distributed every week are critical. The following books are references ranked in the order of our lecturers’ preference:


  1. Agarwal and Lang, Foundations of Analog and Digital Electronic Circuits, Morgan Kaufmann, 2005

  2. Ulaby and Maharbiz, Circuits, 2009, NTS Press

  3. Nilsson and Riedel, Electric Circuits 9th, Prentice Hall, 2010

  4. Alexander and Sadiku, Fundamentals of Electric Circuits 5th, McGraw-Hill, 2012

  5. Hayt, Kemmerly, and Durbin, Engineering Circuit Analysis 8th, McGraw-Hill, 2011



Q. Is there any other supplemental learning material?

A. You may find additional information at: http://circuits.eea.tsinghua.edu.cn/pec


  1. 课堂练习(20%)。

  2. 课后作业(20%)。

  3. 参与讨论情况(10%)。

  4. d) 期末考试(50%)。

Q. What is the grading breakdown?


  1. 20% in-lecture exercises

  2. 20% after-lecture exercises

  3. 10% discussion participation

  4. 50% final test

未尽事宜,请email至[email protected]


Taught by

Xinjie Yu


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