Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow

Offered By: Pluralsight


RealFlow Courses Animation Courses Autodesk 3ds Max Courses Visual Effects Courses Fluid Simulation Courses

Course Description


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Throughout these lessons, we'll learn how to create a puddle splash and retime it with the bullet-time slow motion effect using RealFlow and 3ds max. Software required: RealFlow 2014 and 3ds Max 2015.

Throughout these lessons, we'll learn how to create a puddle splash and retime it with the bullet-time slow motion effect using RealFlow and 3ds max. Software required: RealFlow 2014 and 3ds Max 2015.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Creating Slow Motion Fluid Effects in RealFlow 105mins

Taught by

Stuart Armiger

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