Building a REST API Using Python and Flask

Offered By: Pluralsight


Flask Courses Python Courses SQL Courses REST APIs Courses HTTP Methods Courses

Course Description


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Build a REST API using Flask, use all the HTTP methods, connect Flask to a database, and add authentication.

At the core of developing any REST API with the Flask Microframework is a thorough knowledge of how to use Python and Flask. In this course, Building a REST API using Python and Flask, you will learn the skills you need to create a high-quality REST API using these tools. First, you will learn how to set up your project and get routes with all the different HTTP verbs working. Next, you will explore how to connect all your routes to pull data from a SQL database. Finally, you will discover how to add some basic authentication to your routes using decorators. When you are finished with this course, you will have a foundational understanding of how to build a REST API using Flask that will help you immensely as you create APIs in the future.

Taught by

Sanjay Rai

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