Managing Scope Creep
Offered By: Pluralsight
Course Description
Scope creep can be very dangerous and damaging which means that learning to combat scope creep and understanding it is essential to your business projects.
At the core of managing scope and delivering a quality project within budget, and on time, is a thorough knowledge of how to manage scope creep. In the course, Managing Scope Creep, you’ll learn techniques and tools for not just managing scope, but also managing the project team. First, you’ll learn what scope is and how important it is to get right in any project. Next, you’ll acquire real skills in managing scope and even how to reverse scope creep. Finally, you’ll discover how to educate the team and stakeholders around you. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of creating a project scope that will help you as you move forward to managing scope creep.
At the core of managing scope and delivering a quality project within budget, and on time, is a thorough knowledge of how to manage scope creep. In the course, Managing Scope Creep, you’ll learn techniques and tools for not just managing scope, but also managing the project team. First, you’ll learn what scope is and how important it is to get right in any project. Next, you’ll acquire real skills in managing scope and even how to reverse scope creep. Finally, you’ll discover how to educate the team and stakeholders around you. When you’re finished with this course, you’ll have a foundational knowledge of creating a project scope that will help you as you move forward to managing scope creep.
- Course Overview
- What Is Scope Creep?
- How Does Scope Creep Happen?
- Managing Scope
- Educating Developers and Stakeholders
Taught by
Lars Klint
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