Fusion 360 Essentials

Offered By: Pluralsight


Autodesk Fusion 360 Courses Technical Drawing Courses Part Modeling Courses Complex Geometry Courses

Course Description


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With Fusion 360, creating high-quality renders that are manufacturable and market-ready is easier than ever. In this course, you'll learn essential areas of Fusion 360, focusing on sketch constraints and part-modeling. Software required: Fusion 360.

Sketches and part-modeling in a typical 3-4 day CAD class usually consumes 50% of your time. In this course, Fusion 360 Essentials, you will learn and explore all the essential areas of Fusion 360. You'll start by discovering the areas of sketch creation and the importance of constraints in parametric mode. Moving forward, you will explore the various strategies on creating complex free-form geometries in the sculpt environment, as well as exploring joining parts into assemblies. Lastly, you'll create stunning renders and technical drawings for you to communicate our design into marketing and manufacturing. By the end of this course, you will have obtained clear understanding and mastery of sketch constraints and part modeling--both very important aspects of parametric CAD modeling. Software required: Fusion 360.


  • Introduction and Project Overview 1min
  • Fusion 360 Essentials 288mins

Taught by

Jomarc Baquiran

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