Diversity in religion: Islam
Offered By: OpenLearn
Course Description
In this short course, Diversity in religion: Islam, you will explore how attitudes and opinions within a single religious tradition can be internally diverse. You will look at Islam in particular, considering the diversity of Muslim attitudes to same-sex relationships. This will focus mainly on relationships between men because Muslim legal experts did not pay nearly as much attention to lesbian sex and did not prescribe specific punishments for it.Interested in taking your learning further? You might find it helpful to explore the Open University’s Religious Studies courses and qualifications.
- Introduction
- Learning outcomes
- 1 Attitudes to male same-sex relationships in Islam tradition
- 1 Attitudes to male same-sex relationships in Islam tradition
- 2 Internal diversity in contemporary Islam
- 2 Internal diversity in contemporary Islam
- Conclusion
- What next?
- References
- Further reading
- Acknowledgements
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