Islamic studies Courses

Constitutional Struggles in the Muslim World
University of Copenhagen via Coursera
ISRA102 - بيت المقدس ومسجده الأقصى: المكان والمكانة
Rwaq (رواق)
جدلية الدين والواقع
Rwaq (رواق)
إضاءات على متن الورقات
Rwaq (رواق)
The Qur'an Between Judaism and Christianity
The University of Nottingham via FutureLearn
Coexistence in Medieval Spain: Jews, Christians, and Muslims
University of Colorado System via Coursera
Maqasid Al-Shariah and Sustainable Development
University of Malaya via FutureLearn
Arabic of the Quran from Beginner to Advanced
The Human Being in Islam الإنسان في الإسلام
Qatar University via edX
Conflict Resolution and Peace Building
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