Estrategia: En vez de competir, innove
Offered By: Universidad del Desarrollo via NovoEd
Course Description
A strategy is a set of complementary decisions aimed at creating and maintaining good business.
To earn more you have to compete less. Only the constant renewal of the strategy will not win legitimately compete.
Companies must innovate to uncover new business opportunities that enable profitable growth project. This in a context where the good deals are becoming harder to find and less durable.
This course explains in accessible leguaje everyone how to apply the main current concepts of strategy in the development of a creative business plan.
these concepts include: competitive and cooperative context, value network, co-opetition, competitive cost advantage and differentiation, added value, support, imitation and substitution threats, threats of withholding and inefficiency, resources and capacities, internal and external consistency, creativity and strategic innovation, irreversible commitments, strategic decisions, flexibility and uncertainty, patching, rhythmic growth, and simple rules.
This free five-week course is aimed at all those who speak Spanish who wish to improve their skills in formulating business strategies, and establish networks simultaneously with Spanish speakers around the world. Course includes videos and readings, and makes extensive use of cases to enter materials realistically and stimulating.
Students develop a project team working remotely and be feedback between the different groups.
Taught by
Patricio Del Sol
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