TurbulenceFD for Cinema 4D Essential Training
Offered By: LinkedIn Learning
Course Description
VFX artist Ben Watts show how to use TurbulenceFD, an incredibly powerful fluid simulator that plugs right into CINEMA 4D, to create realistic smoke, fire, and explosion effects.
Having the skills to create believable smoke and fire is crucial for any aspiring VFX artist. In this course Ben Watts shows how to use TurbulenceFD, an incredibly powerful fluid simulator that plugs right into CINEMA 4D, to create realistic smoke, fire, and explosions.
Want to jump right in? Check out the "Quick Start" chapter for short lessons on creating containers and emitters and rendering your simulation. From there, the course explores every aspect of TurbulenceFD in depth, including its solver and timing settings, forces, channels, and emitter options. Along the way, Ben includes some practical and fun examples. By the end of this course you'll be confident using Turbulence FD and creating your own awesome smoke and fire effects.
Having the skills to create believable smoke and fire is crucial for any aspiring VFX artist. In this course Ben Watts shows how to use TurbulenceFD, an incredibly powerful fluid simulator that plugs right into CINEMA 4D, to create realistic smoke, fire, and explosions.
Want to jump right in? Check out the "Quick Start" chapter for short lessons on creating containers and emitters and rendering your simulation. From there, the course explores every aspect of TurbulenceFD in depth, including its solver and timing settings, forces, channels, and emitter options. Along the way, Ben includes some practical and fun examples. By the end of this course you'll be confident using Turbulence FD and creating your own awesome smoke and fire effects.
- Welcome
- Exercise files
- TurbulenceFD (TFD) preferences
- Creating a container
- Creating an emitter
- Choosing a channel
- Starting the simulation
- Checking your simulation results in the viewport
- Rendering the simulation
- The "philosophy" of TurbulenceFD
- Setting up a container and exploring the voxel grid
- Setting up caches and exploring their attributes
- Starting and stopping the simulation
- Choosing between CPU vs. GPU for simulation
- Using Interactive Simulation mode
- Choosing channels to simulate
- Placing an emitter in the container
- Understanding the Solver settings
- Setting up particle advection
- Changing the feel of your simulation with Timing settings
- Adding more detail to your simulation with Up-Res'ing
- Timing
- Affecting particle motion with Velocity
- Influencing the whole container with Wind
- Adding detail and small curls with Vorticity
- Adding detail and randomness with Turbulence
- Influencing the simulation with the Temperature channel
- Influencing the simulation with the Density channel
- Influencing the simulation with the Fuel channel
- Adding decay to the simulation with the Burn channel
- Setting up the emitter size
- Emitting from textures and vertex maps
- Understanding particle emission intensity
- Adding force and directionality to emitters
- Understanding emission channels
- Creating Collider objects
- Viewing channels and shaders in the viewport
- Previewing fire and smoke together with the Preview Fluid Container window
- Retiming the simulation
- Developing the look of smoke with the Smoke shader: Part one
- Developing the look of smoke with the Smoke shader: Part two
- Developing the look of smoke with the Smoke shader: Part three
- Developing the look of fire with the Fire shader
- Rendering out TurbulenceFD passes
- How to apply fluid motion blur
- Setting up the emitters
- Setting up the channels and forces
- Developing the Smoke and Fire shader
- Creating presets from simulations and rendering
- Preparing the scene for simulation
- Setting up the container properties
- Preparing emitter and channel setup
- Preparing fractured geometry for dynamics: Part one
- Preparing fractured geometry for dynamics: Part two
- Setting up the container properties
- Setting up the emitters and rendering
- Creating the container and choosing scene scale
- Wrapping up
Taught by
Ben Watts
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