Applied Machine Learning: Ensemble Learning

Offered By: LinkedIn Learning


Ensemble Learning Courses Machine Learning Courses Data Preparation Courses Bagging Courses

Course Description


Explore how to make powerful, accurate predictions with ensemble learners, one of the most common classes of machine learning algorithms.


  • Explore ensemble learning
  • What you should know
  • What tools you need
  • Using the exercise files
1. Review Machine Learning Basics
  • What is machine learning?
  • What does machine learning look like in real life?
  • What does an end-to-end machine learning pipeline look like?
  • Bias-Variance trade-off
2. Preparing the Data
  • Reading in the data
  • Cleaning up continuous features
  • Cleaning up categorical features
  • Write out all train, validation, and test sets
3. What is Ensemble Learning?
  • What is ensemble learning?
  • How does ensemble learning work?
  • Why is ensemble learning so powerful?
4. Boosting
  • What is boosting?
  • How does boosting reduce overall error?
  • When should you consider using boosting?
  • What are examples of algorithms that use boosting?
  • Explore boosting algorithms in Python
  • Implement a boosting model
5. Bagging
  • What is bagging?
  • How does bagging reduce overall error?
  • When should you consider using bagging?
  • What are examples of algorithms that use bagging?
  • Explore bagging algorithms in Python
  • Implement a bagging model
6. Stacking
  • What is stacking?
  • How does stacking reduce overall error?
  • When should you consider using stacking?
  • What are examples of algorithms that use stacking?
  • Explore stacking algorithms in Python
  • Implement a stacking model
  • Compare the three methods
  • Compare all models on validation set
  • How to continue advancing your skills

Taught by

Derek Jedamski

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