What's New in Laravel 5.1
Offered By: Laracasts
Course Description
Laravel 5.1 includes a variety of welcomed new features. Everything from broadcasting events, to massively improved testing facilities, to LTS support. As always, Laravel is setting the curve with this new release. Let's breeze through the new features that you'll be enjoying.
- Adopting PSR-2
- Injecting Services With Blade
- Elixir Improvements
- Better Testing Facilities
- Model Factories
- Artisan Signatures
- Directory Changes
- Documentation and LTS
- Middleware Parameters
- Named Route Groups
- Login Throttling
- Push Events to the Client
- ACL in Laravel: Part 1
- ACL in Laravel: Part 2 (Policy Objects)
- ACL in Laravel: Part 3 (Behind the Scenes)
- ACL in Laravel: Roles and Permissions
Taught by
Jeffrey Way
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