Laravel Tutorial
Offered By: YouTube
Course Description
Laravel 8 tutorial - what is laravel | Introduction.
Laravel 8 tutorial | what is composer.
Laravel 8 tutorial # how to install laravel.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Folder and file structure.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Make first file.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Routing with example.
Laravel 8 tutorial # controller.
Laravel 8 tutorial # View.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Component.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Blade Template.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Blade Template | Header | Footer.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Submit HTML form.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Form Validation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - What is middleware.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Group middleware.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Route middleware.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Database configuration and Fetch Data.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Model.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Http Client.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Http Request Methods.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Session | with login example.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Flash Session | Example.
Laravel 8 tutorial - File Upload.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Localization | locale.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Show List from Database Table.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Pagination with Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Save Data in Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Delete Data in Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Update Data in Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Query Builder.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Aggregate methods | sum,avg,min,max etc.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Joins.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Migration.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Important Migration command for interview.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Seeding.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Accessors.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Mutator.
Laravel 8 tutorial - One to One Relation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - One to Many Relation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Stub.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Fluent Strings.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Route Model Binding.
Laravel 8 - 7 tutorial in Hindi- Markdown Mail Template.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Make Custom Command.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Multiple Database Connection.
Laravel 8 tutorial - What is API | introduction.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Make First Simplest API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - get data with API | get method.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Post method API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Put method API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Delete method API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Search API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - API Validation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - API with Resource.
Laravel 8 tutorial - API authentication with Sanctum.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Upload file with API.
Laravel 8 - new feature | what's new in laravel 8.
Laravel 8 tutorial - update laravel 7 to 8.
Laravel 8 new Feature - Bypassing Maintenance Mode.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Breaking Change in for controller - Target class does not exist..
Laravel 8 jetstrem tutorial - new Feature.
Laravel 8 Interview Questions and answers.
Laravel basic interview question | part1.
Laravel project #1 setup | composer | restaurant app.
Laravel project #2 layout | add bootstrap and jquery.
Laravel project #3 add navbar | header | list page.
Laravel project #4 fetch Restaurant from list.
Laravel project #5 Add Restaurant Form.
Laravel project #6 Add Restaurant in DB | flash session | alert.
Laravel project #8 Edit restaurant form.
Laravel tutorial - Laravel Scheduler.
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