Laravel Tutorial

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Laravel Courses Web Development Courses PHP Courses Form Validation Courses Middleware Courses Routing Courses API Development Courses MVC Architecture Courses Blade Templating Courses

Course Description


Embark on a comprehensive 10-hour Laravel 8 tutorial series covering basic to advanced topics, API development, project creation, and interview preparation. Learn about Laravel's core concepts, including routing, controllers, views, blade templating, middleware, database operations, and authentication. Explore new features in Laravel 8, such as Jetstream and maintenance mode bypassing. Gain hands-on experience by building a restaurant application project, and prepare for interviews with essential Laravel questions and answers. Suitable for beginners and experienced developers alike, this tutorial also applies to Laravel 9, providing a complete package for mastering the Laravel framework.


Laravel 8 tutorial - what is laravel | Introduction.
Laravel 8 tutorial | what is composer.
Laravel 8 tutorial # how to install laravel.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Folder and file structure.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Make first file.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Routing with example.
Laravel 8 tutorial # controller.
Laravel 8 tutorial # View.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Component.
Laravel 8 tutorial # Blade Template.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Blade Template | Header | Footer.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Submit HTML form.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Form Validation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - What is middleware.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Group middleware.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Route middleware.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Database configuration and Fetch Data.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Model.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Http Client.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Http Request Methods.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Session | with login example.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Flash Session | Example.
Laravel 8 tutorial - File Upload.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Localization | locale.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Show List from Database Table.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Pagination with Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Save Data in Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Delete Data in Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Update Data in Database.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Query Builder.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Aggregate methods | sum,avg,min,max etc.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Joins.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Migration.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Important Migration command for interview.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Seeding.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Accessors.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Mutator.
Laravel 8 tutorial - One to One Relation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - One to Many Relation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Stub.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Fluent Strings.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Route Model Binding.
Laravel 8 - 7 tutorial in Hindi- Markdown Mail Template.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Make Custom Command.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Multiple Database Connection.
Laravel 8 tutorial - What is API | introduction.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Make First Simplest API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - get data with API | get method.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Post method API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Put method API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Delete method API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Search API.
Laravel 8 tutorial - API Validation.
Laravel 8 tutorial - API with Resource.
Laravel 8 tutorial - API authentication with Sanctum.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Upload file with API.
Laravel 8 - new feature | what's new in laravel 8.
Laravel 8 tutorial - update laravel 7 to 8.
Laravel 8 new Feature - Bypassing Maintenance Mode.
Laravel 8 tutorial - Breaking Change in for controller - Target class does not exist..
Laravel 8 jetstrem tutorial - new Feature.
Laravel 8 Interview Questions and answers.
Laravel basic interview question | part1.
Laravel project #1 setup | composer | restaurant app.
Laravel project #2 layout | add bootstrap and jquery.
Laravel project #3 add navbar | header | list page.
Laravel project #4 fetch Restaurant from list.
Laravel project #5 Add Restaurant Form.
Laravel project #6 Add Restaurant in DB | flash session | alert.
Laravel project #8 Edit restaurant form.
Laravel tutorial - Laravel Scheduler.

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