Power Searching with Google

Offered By: Google via edX


Humanities Courses Information Literacy Courses Google Search Courses

Course Description


Get the most out of your search engine skills!

While searching on the Internet is easy and fast, it’s not intuitive or straightforward. This course, Power Searching With Google, covers everything you need to know to become a power searcher, someone who can find information quickly, effectively and accurately.

This course will cover everything from search basics (how to make an effective query), up through advanced search tips and search feature methods (using operators like intext: filetype: and site: to narrow your search), along with ways to determine if what you’re finding is credible. Each unit covers a fundamental aspect of online search, teaching you to be more guided and precise in your online research.

Your instructor, Daniel Russell, has been on the inside of the Google Search engineering team since 2005. His research on how people use online search tools to find what they seek gets translated into effective tips and tricks everyone should know.


Lesson 1

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Tools menu, filtering by color and image type

1.3 How search works

1.4 Art of keyword choice

1.5 Word order matters

1.6 Shortcut for finding text on a webpage

Lesson 2

2.1 Suggestions as you type and Related searches

2.2 From idea to understanding Using define:

2.3 Different modes of content: Web, News, Images, Shopping, Videos

2.4 Reading the SERP: Lateral Browsing

2.5 Google Scholar and Google Patents

Lesson 3

3.1 How the web is organized (and why you need to know)

Deep web vs. Visible web

3.2 Filetype: operator

3.3 Minus operator

3.4 The OR operator and Using double quotes

3.5 In-text operator and Advanced Google search

4.1 Search by image

4.2 Shortcuts: weather, flight information, and time

4.3 Use Google's calculator for conversions

4.4 Date range limiting

Lesson 5

4.5 Using Advanced Search to limit by region/language & Google Translate

5.1 Understanding ranking/verifying via image search and multiple perspectives

5.2 Data changes depending on question asked/Confirmation bias

5.3 Verifying quotations using Google Books

5.4 Who owns a website?

5.5 Common misconceptions in online search

Lesson 6

6.1 Combining search methods

6.2 How to think broadly in your searching

6.3 After the class: How to stay on top of things

Taught by

Daniel Russell


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