Introduction to Geometry
Offered By: Schoolyourself via edX
Course Description
More than 2000 years ago, long before rockets were launched into orbit or explorers sailed around the globe, a Greek mathematician measured the size of the Earth using nothing more than a few facts about lines, angles, and circles. This course will start at the very beginnings of geometry, answering questions like "How big is an angle?" and "What are parallel lines?" and proceed up through advanced theorems and proofs about 2D and 3D shapes. Along the way, you'll learn a few different ways to find the area of a triangle, you'll discover a shortcut for counting the number of stones in the Great Pyramid of Giza, and you'll even come up with your own estimate for the size of the Earth.
In this course, you'll be able to choose your own path within each lesson, and you can jump between lessons to quickly review earlier material. GeometryX covers a standard curriculum in high school geometry, and CCSS (common core) alignment is indicated where applicable.
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This course was funded in part by the Wertheimer Fund.
Taught by
Zach Wissner-Gross
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