Neo4j Course for Beginners
Offered By: freeCodeCamp
Course Description
Discussion on Commonly Used Database Management Systems
Social Media Platforms and Graph Database Management Systems
The Integration of a Graph Database Management System into an Overall System Design
Relationships in RDBMS vs. Relationships in GDBMS
Whiteboard Presentation Highlighting Relationships between Nodes in. GDBMS
Discussion on SQL and Cypher
Install Neo4j Desktop
Install SQL Server
Create Graph Database and Similar SQL Server Database
Run Cypher Queries and Similar SQL Queries
Creating database and connecting to database
Practical introduction to Cypher Query Language
Creating and initializing the project database
JDK and IntelliJ IDEA Installation
Initializing a new Spring Boot project
Acknowledgement of a mistake in the recording
Implementation of Courses and Lessons
Implementation of Users and Authentication
Implementation of Courses Enrolments
Viewer Knowledge Prerequisites
Setting up the Environment with VS Code and Node
Create Curriculum Management Application React Project
Create Home React Component
Install Dependencies
Create Header React Component
Add CSS Styles to App.css
Create Register React Component
Create Axios Configuration Code
Discuss Local Setup for Java Web API
Create Login React Component
Create Context with AuthProvider Component
Create useAuth Hook
Create Interceptor Functionality in useAxiosPrivate Hook
Create Authentication Functionality
Http Call to Retrieve a List of Courses
Create Course React Component
Create EnrolledCourses React component
Create Functionality to Enroll a Student into a Course
Create Video Component
Create Spinner React Component
Additional Styling to Finish the Application
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