Full Stack Next.js & Supabase Twitter Clone – Full Course
Offered By: freeCodeCamp
Course Description
Twitter Intro
0:02:32 Build the Ultimate Twitter Clone using Next.js 13 with Tailwind CSS, TypeScript and Supabase
Building the left sidebar of Twitter using Tailwind CSS
Building Twitter Timeline using Next.js & Tailwind CSS
Building the Trending Section Layout and Who to follow using Tailwind CSS
Designing Twitter Clone PostgreSQL Database using ChatGPT and dbdiagram
Authentication with Supabase in Next.js 13 app directory
Saving Tweet in DB using NextJs Server Actions and Supabase
Handling errors in NextJs Server Action
Fetching all the Tweets in React Server Component
Implementing the Like Tweet Feature
Like-Unlike Feature Part-2
Optimising the Web App
Fixing a bug
Using ChatGPT to build Drizzle ORM schema from SQL
How to join tables and build a complex query using Drizzle ORM
Reply Tweet Feature
Reply Feature Part-2
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