The Fourth Annual Dartmouth-Hitchcock Nursing Research Symposium - Tackling a problem: Panel on Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement (Part 2 of 3)

Offered By: Dartmouth College via Independent


Continuing Medical Education (CME) Courses Quality Improvement Courses

Course Description


Dartmouth Health Continuing Education for Professionals Home, The Fourth Annual Dartmouth-Hitchcock Nursing Research Symposium - Tackling a problem: Panel on Research, Evidence-Based Practice, and Quality Improvement (Part 2 of 3), 5/3/2021 8:00:00 AM - 5/3/2024 9:00:00 AM, Many nurses are unsure how to respond when asked to discuss the difference between evidence-based nursing practice (EBP), nursing research, and quality improvement (QI). All of these processes, when done well, result in new knowledge generation or knowledge synthesis. Each process has unique features and essential requirements, and all have the potential to inform and improve nursing care and nursing practice. Evidence-based practice, nursing research, and quality improvement all start with some form of a question, and many factors enter into a decision to choose one discovery process over another to answer the question. Join us as we learn how to determine whether an evidence-based practice, research, or quality improvement process is best suited to explore a question that YOU might have about your practice.

Activity Details
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• Ellen M. Lavoie Smith, PhD, MSN, AOCN, FAAN

Dr. Smith is a tenured Professor at the University of Michigan School of Nursing. She has extensive experience as an educator at the University level and Director an academic program: the PhD program at the school. Ellen has over 30 years of experience as an oncology nurse clinician, administrator, educator, and researcher. She has lectured extensively at local, regional, national, and international venues regarding topics relevant to my clinical experience and research program. Dr. Smith has published 84 peer-reviewed papers, multiple book chapters, and has received research funding from the NIH and other sources, all of which are relevant to the educational activity that she will provide as a keynote speaker at DHMC.


Elizabeth has been in clinical practice in nursing for over 40 years as well as experience in conducting research as well as teaching research and evidenced-based practice to graduate nursing students.

• Paula Seaman, MSN, MPA, DA, RN

in Paula’s current role and previous role, she is responsible for leading quality improvement and evidence-based practice initiatives and building or supporting the infrastructure for QI and EBP. Those responsibilities span the most recent 10 years. This work has occurred in both an academic, tertiary medical center, as well as in a community based hospital.

• Sara A. Simeone, BSN, MSN, RN

Sara has nearly 10 years’ experience in nursing leadership and quality improvement with certification as LEAN/Six Sigma Black Belt from the Dartmouth Hitchcock Value Institute and Thayer School of Engineering. Experience in quality assurance and regulatory readiness in an acute care hospital setting as well as home health. She has led, managed and participated in a variety of clinical and transactional improvement projects. Sara has led and participated in local and system quality committees.

Learning Outcome(s)
At the end of this learning activity, (at least 75% of) participants will be able to compare and contrast research, evidence-based practice (EBP), and quality improvement (QI) as methodological options to consider when addressing a clinical problem.


The activity director(s), planning committee member(s), speaker(s), author(s) or anyone in a position to control the content have reported NO financial interest or relationship* with various companies. There were no individuals in a position to control the content that refused to disclose.

*A “financial interest or relationship" refers to an equity position, receipt of royalties, consultantship, funding by a research grant, receiving honoraria for educational services elsewhere, or to any other relationship to a company that provides sufficient reason for disclosure, in keeping with the spirit of the stated policy.

Bibliographic Sources
N/A as this was a panel discussion


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