Doing Business in Conflict Zones

Offered By: FutureLearn


Entrepreneurship Courses Political Science Courses Public Policy Courses Market Analysis Courses Business Planning Courses International Business Courses Corruption Courses

Course Description


Develop the skills to plan for business success in conflict zones

In many conflict-affected parts of the world, there’s an enormous amount of untapped business potential. But with unpredictable and dangerous environments, business investments are often deterred, meaning communities lose out and the economic drivers of conflict can be exacerbated.

On this three-week course presented by Dr Aisha Ahmad, you’ll develop the tools to make sense of the challenges and opportunities of doing business in a conflict-affected part of the world, gaining practical insights on how to plan for success.

Discover how conflict can affect informal economies

To understand how business works in countries affected by violent conflict, you first need to place these economies in their appropriate social and historical context.

The first week of this course will allow you to explore the idea of a civil war economy. With an ‘on the ground’ view, you’ll learn how to work safely and effectively in these hostile business environments.

Examine the challenges of investing in a conflict zone

In countries with high levels of corruption, not only can state bureaucracy be frustrating, but you also need to consider the relationships communities have with the state and its rules.

You’ll look at the challenges and opportunities of investing in a new business venture in a conflict zone. Through this, you’ll see how a business venture can affect, transform, and contribute to the existing ecosystem of the conflict zone.

Stress test your business plans through red teaming

In the final week, you’ll learn about red team exercises, recreating some of their key elements to stress test your business plans.

By the end of this course, you’ll have the skills to spot vulnerabilities in business plans for conflict zones and discuss how you can adapt to mitigate some of the risks.

This course is designed for anyone working or volunteering for an organisation engaged in a conflict-affected environment.

It will also be useful if you’re studying a related subject such as political science, public policy, or international business studies.


  • Economies beyond states
    • Welcome
    • Informal Economies
    • Conflict Economies
    • Wartime Market Analysis
    • From theory to practice
    • Weekly Wrap-up
  • Navigating Corruption and Conflict
    • Welcome
    • Corruption and Red Tape
    • Setting up shop
    • Do No Harm Principles
    • Weekly Wrap-up
  • Stress Tests For Success
    • Welcome
    • ‘Red Team’ Exercises
    • Applying an Alt-Lens
    • Debrief and Plan For Success
    • Wrap-Up

Taught by

Aisha Ahmad

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