Programming Paradigm Concepts

Offered By: DataCamp


Object-oriented programming Courses Python Courses Functional Programming Courses Procedural Programming Courses Imperative Programming Courses Declarative Programming Courses

Course Description


Explore a range of programming paradigms, including imperative and declarative, procedural, functional, and object-oriented programming.

Ready for a paradigm shift to what you know about programming? In Programming Paradigm Concepts, you will learn the basics of various programming paradigms, including imperative and declarative programming, procedural programming, functional programming, and object-oriented programming.

You will learn about real-world use cases for these paradigms and common coding patterns in each one, and even write basic programs in Python for each paradigm. By the time you're finished with the course, you'll be able to recognize different programming paradigms and know when to choose one over another.


  • Introduction to Programming Paradigms
    • Get ready for a first look at programming paradigms! This Chapter covers what programming paradigms are, why they matter, and two broad categories of programming paradigms, namely Imperative and Declarative programming. You will also learn about the benefits of writing modular code and employing separation of responsibilities and how these relate to different paradigms.
  • Procedural Programming
    • Dive into one of the most commonly used paradigms in programming: Procedural Programming. This Chapter covers what procedural programming is, what problems it can be used to solve, and how it achieves separation of responsibilities and modular code. You will learn how control flow statements like `if` statements, `for` loops, and function definition can all be used in procedural programming, and you'll get to practice these in Python.
  • Functional Programming
    • Dive into functional programming in this Chapter. We will cover the basics of functional programming: when to use it, some advantages and disadvantages, as well as some applications. You will also learn about using recursion in functional programming, and you will even implement some basic functional programs of your own!
  • Object-Oriented Programming
    • Let's play with some classes and objects! This chapter will cover the Object-Oriented Programming paradigm, its common applications, pros and cons, and how to implement basic object-oriented programs in Python. We'll also touch on some more advanced topics in this paradigm including class inheritance and public vs. private attributes.

Taught by

Eleanor Thomas

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