21 Techniques for Playful Cookies
Offered By: Craftsy
Course Description
Do your cookies need a new look? Popular instructor Amber Spiegel shares inventive cookie decorating ideas and techniques for results that will make your treats a must at parties, showers and more. To begin, you’ll discover how to blend royal icing wet-on-wet for an enviably smooth surface. And, find out how to paint directly onto wet icing to bring vibrant colors to life. Up next, give your cookies a textured finish, create a “reflective” surface effect and experiment with an on-trend burlap look. Amber shows you how to easily make and store royal icing transfers. Then, bring pearlized finishes, metallic looks and even a chalkboard effect to life. And, find out how to use sprinkles in creative and innovative ways. You’ll also learn how to build a three-dimensional cookie box and customize it with impressive woodgrain or metallic finishes.
- Class Preview
- Wet-on-Wet Techniques
- Unique Piped Textures
- Transfer Techniques
- Painted Enhancements
- Sprinkle Surprise
- 3-D Cookie Box
Taught by
Amber Spiegel
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