AP Computer Science A: Java Programming Polymorphism and Advanced Data Structures

Offered By: Purdue University via edX


AP Computer Science Courses Object-oriented programming Courses Sorting Algorithms Courses Searching Algorithms Courses Algorithm Analysis Courses Polymorphism Courses Abstract Classes Courses Generics Courses Big O Notation Courses ArrayLists Courses

Course Description


This computer science course covers advanced OOP strategies, including polymorphism, abstract classes, super keyword, exceptions, generics, sorting and searching algorithms.

This course is for anyone interested in taking a first-level computer-programming course, particularly those who attend a school that does not provide a similar class.

We are looking forward to helping you explore this exciting new world!


Unit Name or Timeframe: Polymorphism (3 weeks)

  • Polymorphism and the relationship of parent and child classes
  • Calling parent constructor and casting with super keyword
  • Abstract class and interfaces and the use of late binding
  • Abstract methods

Unit Name or Timeframe: Exceptions (1 weeks)

  • Generic Exception class
  • Arithmetic, ArrayIndexOutOfBounds, NullPointer, ClassCast, IllegalArgument
  • The try-catch structure
  • The throws keyword
  • Handled vs unhandled exceptions

Unit Name or Timeframe: Dynamic data structures (3 weeks)

  • Use List reference and by extension the ArrayList classes
  • Generics
  • Traversals, insertions, deletions
  • Swap operations
  • Bubble sort, Selection sort, Insertion sort and Merge sort
  • Binary search and Linear search
  • Big-O Notation and algorithm analysis

Taught by

Sunil Prabhakar, Debbie Perouli and Phil Sands


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