
Offered By: Indian Institute of Technology Bombay via edX


Algorithms and Data Structures Courses Algorithms Courses Searching Algorithms Courses Graph Algorithms Courses Matrix Operations Courses

Course Description


Algorithms power the biggest web companies and the most promising startups. Interviews at tech companies start with questions that probe for good algorithm thinking.

In this computer science course, you will learn how to think about algorithms and create them using sorting techniques such as quick sort and merge sort, and searching algorithms, median finding, and order statistics.

The course progresses with Numerical, String, and Geometric algorithms like Polynomial Multiplication, Matrix Operations, GCD, Pattern Matching, Subsequences, Sweep, and Convex Hull. It concludes with graph algorithms like shortest path and spanning tree.

Topics covered:

  • Sorting and Searching
  • Numerical Algorithms
  • String Algorithms
  • Geometric Algorithms
  • Graph Algorithms

This course is part of the Fundamentals of Computer Science XSeries Program:

  • Programming Basics
  • Object-Oriented Programming
  • Foundations of Data Structures
  • Implementation of Data Structures

Taught by

Deepak B. Phatak, Ajit Diwan, Ganesh Ramakrishnan and Nagesh Karmali


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