Rust for Programmers

Offered By: Codecademy


Rust Courses Programming Courses Generics Courses Macros Courses

Course Description


A quick primer on Rust fundamentals for experienced programmers.

This course is dedicated to programmers who are already familiar with the world of programming and are looking to become acquainted with the Rust programming language. We designed this course to be a series of short, interactive articles that you can skim, dive into, or even skip. We did this so that you can use this course to both learn Rust and to check as a reference guide.


  • Getting Started: An overview of what to expect in Rust for Programmers as well as Rust fundamentals.

    • Article: Welcome to Rust for Programmers
    • Article: Why Rust?
    • Article: Program Structure
    • Article: Cargo Manifest
  • Basic Syntax: Learn about the basic syntax of Rust.
    • Article: Statements and Expressions
    • Article: Scope and Ownership
    • Article: References
    • Article: Variables
    • Article: Mutability
    • Article: Constants
    • Article: Modules
    • Article: Macros
    • Article: Attributes
  • Control Flow: Learn about control flow in Rust.
    • Article: if/else
    • Article: if let
    • Article: match
    • Article: Loops
  • Functions: Learn about functions in Rust.
    • Article: Functions
    • Article: Closures
    • Article: Functional Iteration
  • Types: Learn about types in Rust.
    • Article: Primitives
    • Article: Arrays and Vec
    • Article: &str and String
    • Article: Tuples
    • Article: Structs
    • Article: Enums
    • Article: Monads and Option
    • Article: Result
  • Traits and Generics: Learn about traits and generics in Rust.
    • Article: Lifetimes
    • Article: Type Aliasing
    • Article: Traits
    • Article: Generics
  • Macros: Learn about declarative and procedural macros in Rust.
    • Article: Declarative Macros
    • Article: Procedural Macros
  • Libraries and Tooling: Learn about some of Rust's libraries and tooling.
    • Article: crates.io
    • Article: Documentation
    • Article: Tooling

Taught by

Jace van Auken

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