Principles of Data Literacy
Offered By: Codecademy
Course Description
Discover the world of data in this fully conceptual course where you will learn how to think about, visualize, and analyze data.
This no-code course introduces the foundational how’s and why’s of data. How do statistics help us make conclusions from data? Why is good design critical for communicating data stories through data viz? What are the different kinds of analysis we can perform on a dataset? This course will help you feel empowered to answer these questions (and more!) and work with data with confidence.
### Take-Away Skills
You will learn how to evaluate data quality, interpret statistical conclusions, create and read data visualizations, and analyze data responsibly.
This no-code course introduces the foundational how’s and why’s of data. How do statistics help us make conclusions from data? Why is good design critical for communicating data stories through data viz? What are the different kinds of analysis we can perform on a dataset? This course will help you feel empowered to answer these questions (and more!) and work with data with confidence.
### Take-Away Skills
You will learn how to evaluate data quality, interpret statistical conclusions, create and read data visualizations, and analyze data responsibly.
- Introduction to Data: Explore the world of data through case studies, and learn about collection methods and data quality.
- Lesson: Case Studies in Data Literacy
- Article: Data Collection
- Lesson: Data Types and Quality
- Quiz: Data Types and Quality
- Thinking about Data: Become wise in the ways of statistical thinking with this approachable yet hearty introduction.
- Lesson: Statistical Thinking
- Quiz: Statistical Thinking
- Article: Movie Statistics Project
- Visualizing Data: Bring data and visualization together to tell compelling data stories with eye-catching visuals.
- Lesson: Data Visualization Basics
- Lesson: Misleading and Confusing Graphs
- Quiz: Data Viz Basics Quiz
- Article: Data Viz Basics Project
- Analyzing Data: Cover your analysis bases by learning to make informed data decisions and manage bias in its many forms.
- Lesson: Data Analyses and Conclusions
- Article: Bias in Data Analysis
- Quiz: Data Analyses and Conclusions
- Next Steps: Congratulations on completing the course!
- Article: Data Science Survey
Taught by
Alex DiStasi
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